Shouldn't mels temporal projection be categorized as another ability instead of mixing it with her temporal displacement?
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Two things that bother me about the reboot while rewatching the first season of the original series:
Demons in the rebootverse automatically seem to know that the Vera-Vaughn sisters are the Charmed Ones as soon as they get their powers. And there's very little paranoia from the sisters that anybody they meet could be a demon out to kill them.
A possession demon targets Maggie's then-boyfriend to try and kill her
Harry was immediately assigned to them as their Whitelighter and flat-out tells them they're the Charmed Ones
that one professor the girls fight at the end of the pilot knew they were the Charmed Ones as well.
Three episodes into the season, Alistair Caine and his two sons immediately zero in on the sisters through Maggie
Mel gets involved bc the Harbinger used Angela Wu (a student who had gone to her for help) as its host
Macy suspects at one point that Galvin's new girlfriend is a succubus. (Summer wasn't actually a succubus, but that's beside the point. And Macy's primary motivation for suspecting Summer was jealousy.)
The Elder witches know instantly they are the Charmed Ones, and the Sisters of Arcana coven stalk Mel in an effort to recruit her.
The original series? It's very much not like that, with everybody in the Underworld automatically knowing the Charmed Ones' identities the moment they get their powers.
Jeremy had been stalking the sisters for a while along with killing other witches to steal their powers. He suspected that they might be the Charmed Ones with bound powers, and Piper was his way in after Grams's death. Even then, he had to wait six months for Phoebe to return and confirm for him that they were actually the Charmed Ones. If they weren't the Charmed Ones? Fine by him, and he had three more witches to murder to steal powers from and become even more powerful.
Javna (s1e2) wasn't even aware of the Charmed Ones; he was using Quake as a hunting ground for young women to steal their youth, and Phoebe happened to almost become one of his victims.
The three shapeshifters (s1e3) were deliberately working with Victor (the girls' father) to steal the Book of Shadows. They knew the Halliwell sisters were Charmed, but only through their association with Victor.
s1e4 "Dead Man Dating": the primary antagonists in this episode are a mortal Triad gang; the supernatural threat isn't even after the Charmed Ones--he's after Mark's spirit to take him to the afterlife. Piper and her sisters got dragged in bc they were the only ones who could see Mark's ghost, being witches.
s1e5 "Dream Sorcerer": that episode's antagonist was a mortal man using science to dream-leap; he had zero clue the sisters were witches, let alone the Charmed Ones, and he only targeted Prue because she'd politely sent back a drink he'd ordered for her due to her seeing someone else.
Rex and Hannah are revealed to be warlocks in the same episode they hire Prue for Buckland's Auction House, but the whole reason they hired her was on orders from the Source of All Evil to find out if she was a Charmed One.
In his first appearance, Barbas didn't care so much that the Halliwells were the Charmed Ones and more that they were three more witches he could kill to meet his cosmic deadline.
There was suspicion that Prue, Piper, and Phoebe were the Charmed Ones due to being three sisters descended from Melinda Warren, but it still took Rex and Hannah working undercover for months to have it confirmed without a doubt for other evil beings, at which point they really started to be targeted. Even with Rex and Hannah, it still took several episodes for them to out the Halliwells as the Charmed Ones, and that isn't accomplished until s1e9 "The Witch Is Back".
The few times the Halliwells meet other witches in season 1, it's more an acknowledgement of them being sister witches rather than the Charmed Ones. Aviva only gets close to the Halliwells under Kali's influence, and it's unclear if Aviva even understood the strength of the Charmed Ones' bond and their power: she just wanted a coven to belong to and was taken advantage of by Kali.
In addition:
There's an overwhelming sense of paranoia, almost, in the original series that anybody the Halliwells encounter could be a demon, warlock, or evil witch. Their neighbors (shapeshifting demons), the elderly man who was sweet on Grams that gave her flowers once a year (Nicholas the warlock), love interests (Jeremy the warlock, Cole the DA), old family friends (Grams's coven of witches/witch practitioners), police Inspectors/Detectives (Rodriguez, Nicholas's disguise/cover), various judges and members of the court/justice system, clients at Buckland's Auction House, employers (Rex and Hannah). Even random people off the street. A later season reveals that the owner of a daycare center Wyatt attended is a demon.
It's a sense of paranoia that the reboot doesn't have, at least not on anywhere near the same level. The closest the reboot gets to that is the internal reveal that Parker is a half-demon when he's dating Maggie, that Abigael is a demon-witch, or the episode where the group that Maggie was volunteering at for a dating app as part of a campus thing all turn out to be demons. There's also the reveal in the pilot where Maggie's on-again, off-again boyfriend is possessed by a demon, or the reveal that the creepy old man professor was a demon (but it's not like the writers really did anything to hide the reveal, given he basically had a flashing neon sign screaming "bad guy and major creep").
Plus, you know, zero surprise that the company who took over Hilltowne University's genetics lab is headed by a demon, considering its name is Morningstar Biotech.
Just Updated
So, been debating for a while now whether I post this here or not, but I decided I may as well give the rundown and such of what my rewritten version of Charmed would be like.
To start off, in my rewrite, the original and reboot versions of Charmed are merged, so the events, spells, and such that occur in both versions happen in this rewrite, just to different characters.
This rewrite (it's probaly closer to fanfiction, but whatever) also includes Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Merlin, and Wizards of Waverly Place elements/characters. And I know that by mentioning these, I have already evoked the ire of many, many people. But I wanted to put this here and see what people think. It's a lot, so happy reading!
Here is the list of some of the differences and changes I'm making in my own personal rewrite:
The Charmed Ones are Time Lord siblings; the Doctor (who goes by either John/Joseph or Joan/Jacqueline Lungbarrow, with Seth/Joe and Jackie/Colleen as nicknames for the latter names), the eldest and has the power of Time/Space Manipulation and Whitelighter powers; the Sorceress (real name Sophia Lungbarrow), the middle sister with the power of Molecular Manipulation (closer to Piper's version than Mel's); and the Professor (real name Jethro Lungbarrow, known as Jessica when in female form), the youngest Charmed One, with the powers of Premonition, Levitation, and Empathy.
Leo exists, and is married to Sophia, with them having Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda. Although he was a Whitelighter, an Elder, and an Avatar before becoming mortal, he's now a wizard with Whitelighter and Elder abilities thanks to Sophia and the Doctor, and as such it was agreed by the Elders to have Leo act as a Whitelighter for the family. He is also still Headmaster of Magic School.
Jethro is married to a witch called Talitha, and they currently have a daughter, Jasmine.
The Doctor has several kids with River Song.
They all live in a large mansion in London, called Time Manor.
By this point, the Lungbarrow Charmed Ones have gone through the majority of what the Halliwells went through, with the major difference being they were already used to magic, and as such the majority of their struggles stemed from them being new to the world of demons, who are majorly unknown to the wider magical population in this reality. As such, with the reboot's plotlines, most of the struggles the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones had instead will go to the descendents/students of the Lungbarrows.
The Council of Elders still exists as it does in the original, as powerful Whitelighters, but it is now a new council. In this version of events, the 'Great Sages' in the prophecy refer to the members of the old council, now the Elder Delegates, who are forced to live on Earth and watch over Whitelighters and report back to the new council; they also voice their opinions sometimes.
Charity is replaced with Sandra from the original series, and as such it is Sandra who has Fiona as a sister.
Fiona is the Keeper of the Divine Flame, which is later discovered to be one and the same with the Source of Drastolnir.
Devorah Silver is replaced with Odin.
The Source of All Evil has been vanquished once and for all, initially leaving the Underworld in disarray, before it is discovered a new entitity - the Source of Drastolnir - will soon be awoken, as foretold in the prophecy.
The Charmed Ones' mother, Mara, is still alive, but Sandra tried to kill her because the Doctor's magic had been tainted by a power leach and Mara was trying to restore it; Sandra's attempts to kill Mara just resulted in her regenerating, so Sandra erased her memory of the event and tampered with Death's list to hide what she did, except this led to Death, years later, to discover the tampering and enlist the Charmed Ones to help find out what happened.
Grams (now Penny Lungbarrow) is still dead, but occassionally helps her grandchildren in spirit, like in the original.
Niko is introduced as the once-secret girlfriend of one of the Doctor's great-granddaughters, Luna Blackwater. As such, Luna gets most of Mel's subplots regarding girlfriends and the Sarcana.
Maggie's subplots regarding Kappa and Parker are given to Luna's twin sister, Violet, and Kappa is explained as her wanting to rebel against the notion that she is just a good, bright, rule-following witch, much to Luna's disdain.
The Imposter Demon tried to impersonate Grams, except the more experienced Lungbarrow Charmed Ones suspected deception when she said to not trust Leo, and summoned Grams's spirit with the To Summon the Dead spell, which confirmed it was an imposter.
The whole Truth Serum plot occurs due to the Doctor wanting to use it to get the demon to reveal what it is and how it can be vanquished, despite Sophia, who is angered at the demon impersonating their grandmother and trying to get them to distrust Leo, wanting to vanquish it now. It's due to the Doctor misplacing the serum that Niko ended up taking it.
Sophia and Jethro summon the Imposter Demon in order to try and trick it into revealing how to vanquish it, which is what led to them going after the Prism of Souls, beleiving the demon was after it because it could vanquish it.
The Doctor meeting up with Leo when Sophia and Jethro summoned the demon was because she felt guilty not telling Leo about this.
The plotline regarding the Scythe of Tartarus is changed to the Doctor, after discovering it, manages to secretly steal the pieces, replacing them with fakes, in order to assemble and then destroy it, before getting sidetracked and marvelling at it's design and power. Parker ends up stealing the fake pieces, which sets in motion the Charmed Ones trying to find it, before they find the fully assembled Scythe in the attic, and the Doctor admits what she did, only for Parker to arrive and then Jade steals the Scythe.
Instead of having darkness due to demon blood like Macy, the Doctor has darkness due to being the victim of a power leach in their youth, which has left a dark taint on their magic which manifests as demonic.
The Vortex Viribus appears underneath Time Manor, despite being for Fiona, because it was attracted to the residue of the spiritual nexus that resided there, as well as the dimensional nexus that still exists there.
In Switches and Stones, Jethro's supercharged power instead switches his and Sophia's powers, and it takes Sophia mastering her brother's powers before she can switch them back. Luna and Violet are the two who switch bodies, due to their proximity to their great-aunt and great-uncle.
The Evil Sight, rather than being a demonic power that any demon could possess, is a power unique to the Doctor thanks to the dark taint on their magic.
Priyanka is a member of the new Council of Elders, and was a witch in life before her death and rebirth as a Whitelighter. She remains alive after the Doctor uses the Evil Sight to witness Sandra's killing of her mother, thanks to the Doctor managing to get her to Orb out before Sandra could kill her, and then hide her away until Sandra is found out by the rest.
After the Source debacle, it is Wyatt's dark side - otherwise known as his Dark Design - that attacks, except it is just Jethro, Sophia, and three of their students, and Wyatt's friends, who go through the portal, as the rest of the family, including the Doctor, were not at home at the time.
Because of the slaughtering of the Elder Delegates, the Council of Elders fully retreat from Earth, deciding to only act as occasional advisors for witches and wizards, which is why the Command Centre is abandoned.
SafeSpace, and the Command Centre, exists in Liverpool rather than Seattle.
The Doctor and the rest of the Lungbarrow family find the others after they've encountered Abigael (who is being renamed Isabella).
The Black Amber fully restores Jethro and Sophia's powers, rather than granting them new ones. It also gives their three students powers similar to those of the Charmed Ones: one gains Premonition, and later develops Maggie's Emotional Inception and Empathic Mimicry; one gains Mel's Molecular Manipulation, and later expands to develop Molecular Dispersion; and the third gains Macy's advanced telekinesis, including Telekinetic Immobilisation and Telekinetic Energy Generation.
Jordan is introduced as Violet's new love interest, and is later revealed to have latent magical genes that his family curse is surpressing, which are reawoken during an attempt to revive Leo, unintentionally also giving Jordan healing powers.
Lawrence Mortimer Chase was the Squib son of a wizard, and his jealousy at his lack of magical abilities is what led to him becoming the Witchfinder General.
Josefina is introduced as the Charmed Ones' half-sister, rather than second-cousin. She is still the same as the reboot's Josefina, but after gaining her powers, she decides to stay in order to get to know both her father and the rest of her family, as well as enrol at Magic School to further her magical knowledge and education.
That's all for now.
I needed to rant/vent a little about this, because it's been bothering me ever since I watched season 2 of the reboot ages ago and then did a rewatch of the original 1998 series.
Namely: the reboot made Ray Vera, absent dad, completely sympathetic by accident, whereas with the original series Victor doesn't fully redeem himself until after his grandsons Wyatt and Chris are born (though the changing of actors between his appearances in early season 1 and then season 3 helped).
Compared with Victor, Ray doesn't re-enter his daughters' lives until after they'd known they're witches for about a year. (Victor suddenly re-entered his adult daughters' lives shortly after they received their powers, and it's revealed he was working with shapeshifter demons to steal the Book of Shadows.)
Keep in mind: for Ray, this is also after the attack from Jimmy on Vera Manor in the season 2 opener when everyone in Hilltowne thinks the Vera-Vaughn sisters are dead; he more or less found them by accident.
Ray and Marisol were professors together at Hilltowne University before they married, with Ray teaching archaeology and often going away on work as an archaeologist. His being away for so long, so often, after the birth of their daughter Mel is what made Marisol go to her ex-lover Dexter and conceive Maggie with him. And then she fully expected Ray to raise the result of her affair with her. He eventually found out the truth of Maggie not being his biological child, could not handle Marisol having cheated on and lied to him, and left after Maggie's fifth birthday, moving to Minneapolis, MN.
By the time Ray shows up in-person in mid-season 2, it is revealed he faked his death earlier in that season to hide from enemies he'd made, thanks to stealing a powerful magical artifact. It is the Charmed Ones who tracked him down, not the other way around. He also reconciles with his daughters faster than Victor Bennet did in the original series, and it's clear that he loves both Mel and Maggie (despite the latter not being his biologically; he legally became her father and considers her his daughter).
Amazing how the writers made Marisol look completely shady and was only stringing Ray along when her heart belonged to Dexter. (Ray knew it, and that was part of the reason he left.) It's also amazing how once you learn Ray's backstory, it turns Mel's behavior toward him in both s1 and s2 into her being even more of a judgmental hates-all-men dick than she already is (at that point in the show, anyway, and for all her fans say Mel had character development, I didn't see it).
With Victor, on the other hand:
He tried multiple times with Patty to make their relationship work, eventually leaving after all three of his daughters were born and Prue and Piper were at least in elementary school.
There's conflicting statements in the show as to why exactly Victor left. Primarily, the reasons for him leaving were that he didn't want his daughters being raised as witches and Grams routinely interfered in his relationship with Patty.
Patty waited until after she and Victor were separated/divorced for good before her relationship with her Whitelighter Sam turned romantic and they conceived Paige. Marisol did not give Ray that same courtesy before going back to Dexter.
It's not until around season 5 after his grandson Wyatt is born that Victor truly reconnects with his remaining daughters and has a healthy enough relationship with Piper and Phoebe that Piper trusts him with babysitting her sons. That would not have been possible in seasons 3 and 4 with their relationship as strained as it was then.
I don't really have a point here other than I want to take the writers' choices for Ray Vera and put them under a microscope. Because yeah, I totally understand why he left Marisol and his two daughters, and the writers seem to have done this completely by accident.
(And then there's Sam Wilder from the original series, and yeah, I fully understand why Paige wants nothing to do with her deadbeat Whitelighter dad. Between Leo in Chris's original dark future and Sam... yeah, Whitelighter fathers do not have the best track record.)
We all know by now that the series ends with the Vera-Dansos entering the Halliwell Charmed Ones' universe and walking into the Manor. Assuming a fifth season would have taken place entirely in the original series' universe with the season finale having the Vera-Danso Charmed Ones returning to their own universe, I want to explore the implications of that. (I'm ignoring the whole "triquetra-verse" idea Falco had, because it's stupid.)
Namely: The Vera-Danso Charmed Ones are woefully unprepared for all the varieties of evil in the Warren witches' universe.
Harry is no longer a Whitelighter and did not go through the portal with them.
Jordan now has healing abilities, but he didn't go through with them either.
Their own Book of Shadows is useless, because A) they did not bring it with them; and B) this is not their universe.
In each season finale, a Dues ex Machina happened that meant the Vera-Vaughn/Vera-Danso Charmed Ones didn't even have to take on that season's Big Bad by themselves. Either the villains turned on and took each other out before the Veras could do anything, or some magical plot twist happened at the very last second. Yet they think they'll do perfectly fine in a different universe they know absolutely nothing about? ...Sure.
As for all the evil the Vera-Dansos will encounter that either have not yet been vanquished by the Halliwell Charmed Ones, or are the variety that keep coming back after having been vanquished once already:
Darklighters are not a direct 1:1 evil duplicate of Whitelighters, so what the Vera-Vaughns did for Harry's Darklighter counterpart Jimmy will not work. In this universe, Darklighters are Underworld assassins created specifically to kill Whitelighters, Future Whitelighters, and good witches. There are also multiple Darklighter types depending on how they go about this, one of which deliberately drives their victims to suicide.
The Source of All Evil could not be vanquished by the Power of Three alone. It took the reconstituted Charmed Ones (Piper, Phoebe, and Paige) calling on the Power of Three + the entire power of the Warren line to vanquish the Two-Faced Source---and all that did was transfer the Source's essence into Cole Turner, which then went into Phoebe and Cole's unborn child when the sisters vanquished him. (It's entirely possible that by 2022, the Underworld has crowned a new Source.)
Some variation of the Triad, the Brotherhood of the Thorn, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will always be around. Keep in mind that the Source itself was only able to destroy the Four Horsemen when they failed in their mission.
Literally anybody regardless of gender could be a warlock out to kill them and steal their powers, and these girls wouldn't know it. Because male witches and male/female warlocks do not exist in their universe.
So, so many demons who can easily turn a witch into one of their kind by a scratch, a bite, or being in close proximity when a witch is in emotional turmoil. Even being a witch hybrid won't save you, as Paige (a Whitelighter-witch) was turned into a vampire once and Chris (also a Whitelighter-witch) was once transformed into a spider demon.
Barbas, the Demon of Fear. That is all. (R.I.P. Billy Drago. You will be missed.)
Congrats! The police department, DA's office, and courthouse have all been infiltrated by demons. So have major high-end, very influential businesses. Human serial killers also have guardian demons watching out for them.
Dream-leaping is a real science. A regular human used it to become a serial killer because women kept rejecting him. No magic necessary.
That famous band you're a fan of? Their manager made a pact with a demon to become famous, and in exchange lures groupies hoping to meet the band to the demon so it can feed on their souls.
The Council of Elder Whitelighters are all egoists concerned with their own power. There's been at least three genocide attempts. Somehow, they keep bouncing back. But even though they're dicks, having them all die would be disastrous for the side of good and the Grand Design.
Trolls and fairies exist, but can only be seen by young, innocent children. You're a young girl trying to save a fairy princess; the trolls know you took her and are attacking you in all the 'tween places in an attempt to capture and kill her, the biggest one being the midnight hour. None of the adults believe you or see that you're in very real danger.
The demonic hierarchy in the Underworld in the Halliwells' universe is very different from the hierarchy in the Veras' universe. If they mistake an upper-level demon in this universe for a lower-level one in their world, they could very well end up dead.
And last but not least:
The Vera-Dansos didn't bother to knock and simply walked into Halliwell Manor like they owned it, without waiting to see if anyone was home. Piper, Phoebe, and Paige have all dealt with trios of evil sister witches before who want to kill/impersonate them and steal their powers. The last time they trusted a pair of witch sisters, it ended with a major battle in the Manor, the Manor blown up, and everyone dead except for Piper and Billie until time rewound itself.
Who's to say that Piper, Phoebe, and Paige aren't initially suspicious something like that wouldn't happen again? Especially now that they all have their own families to worry about.
Frist off, I love the OG Charmed but when you compare the reboot to the original it obviously doesnt compete. I think the reboot was too similar to the Original. There were aspects of the reboot i really enjoyed. Elders- were a group of experienced and master witches not angels, whitelighters being a creation of an elder witches to guide new and young witches to the craft. Macys storyline was original. As a white individual, I liked the inclusion of black and hispanic cultures and didnt think it was overdone.
Now i can explain the things i didnt like about the reboot in a different post but I think if there was another reboot, i think we need to start fresh...
We keep the theme of "power of three", 3 sisters
New powers- instead of 3 core powers running in the family line, each siblings power is individual and very rarely are powers repeated in the family tree...stray from both versions of powers, lets see some new stuff.
Non magical parent is a well known doctor, author, or scholar. thus put a lot of pressure on eldest child. Magical parent dies when kids are young
Eldest: Having to bear the weight of expectations from non magical parent, they have power of strength both a physical and mental strength. Physically really strong but also withstands mental attacks like middle siblings illusions.
Middle child: being middle child they are often overlooked, overshadowed, etc. Has power of sight- turns them selves invisible, can turn others invisible eventually and can even cause others to see illlusions, or nothing at all. The idea of the power expanding to all 5 senses- sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch would be a really cool ability.
Youngest child: being the youngest was basically free to do whatever, therefore has power of freedom, firstly speed, then progress to flight/levitation. then to full blown teleportation.
Storyline: eldest is two years into college, middle child is in senior year of high school and youngest is about to turn 16. Once youngest turns 16th they receive their destiny has charmed ones from their dead magical parent. At this time they are given their powers and shown to their book of shadows. The villain is another trio of evil, magically on par with the charmed ones, they sense a shift in the universe and know that the prophecy of the charmed ones has begun and sends out demons to destroy them before they can reach their full potential and destroy the evil trio.
the power of the three in the original when used by Prue after he possessed the body of another witch and tried to join the sisters and Paige caused a power imbalance in the real world, but in Kaela's case she had the same powers as Macy because of the stem cells, if Macy came back from the dead and bonded with the sisters and Kaela would there be an imbalance as well? Or would nothing happen? after all, would it be as if Kaela's powers were Macy's extra magic in the power of the three, or would there still be an imbalance because there is no power of the three with a fourth member? I got a little confused.
It seriously irks me how many magical beings were given this completely human appearance in Season 4. The distinction between human and magical beings is that magical beings, even while some have a humanoid appearance, are supposed to have supernatural attributes that set them apart from humans. Beings like witches obviously are a human being, so they are supposed to look like such. It's like the writers took everything magical out of the magical beings this season, except for the randomly displayed power here and there. Most of the time, I didn't even know what an individual was supposed to be until I looked it up in the credits.
Am I the only one who noticed that we saw several pixies throughout multiple episodes in Season 4, yet none of them ever generated any pixie dust or took on their actual pixie forms? We saw two sprout wings in normal size, despite the fact that it was shown in Season 1 that they are supposed to have a reduced form to fly around in.
I would have never guessed that Sunny was a Nekomata, until the writers revealed this on Twitter. In fact, was this ever actually stated on the show? I mean... it's made clear that she's some blandly human-looking, cat being... but I don't recall it ever being specifically said on the show what she's supposed to be.
Then, you have the merman and the lamia... both of which are supposed to be distinctly animalistic beings, and yet are again reduced to growing legs or having a human appearance. Hobgoblins (only apparently have gross feet), trolls (apparently only big humans?), elves (human-sized pointy ears), leprechauns (human greedy Irish), gremlins (technopathic humans?), circadians (sleepy immortal humans?), nymphs (who knows? but dully human-looking), muses (dancing immortal humans?), whatever that one guy was supposed to be with the scales on his face, random human-looking people with horns... need I go on?
in the series he talks about nine original magic clans but who are they?
if there is a new season of charmed it will happen in the reality of the original series
Simple, using every rule we know of this universe, create a trio of siblings with grand powers.
You can also use some of the lore/rules from the 1997 version if you want to.
The Haliwell/Vera name isn't mandatory, but the 1st letter of their first names has to be the same.
Their blood relation doesn't have to be strictly siblings.
Please don't make one of the power Projection, it would render the point of different unique powers moot, considering Projection does a lot at the same time.
You can also add skills that aren't magical, and some that are an expansion of the core power.
-The Charmed's Names:
-The Charmed's Core Power & Development:
-The Charmed's Sub-Skills and/or Sub-Powers:
-The Charmed's Backstory: (optional)
-The Charmed's Whitelighter: (optional)
-The Charmed's Main Threat.s: (optional)
Please avoid the following list of potentials.
Absolute, Ascendant, Blog-related, Deitic, Impossible, Infinite, Meta, Omni, Reality, Transcendent, Unlimited and Near/Nigh of either category.
The 3 of them together always break expectations, no need to be individual reality warpers.
I’m curious as to what everyone else thinks Kaela’s demon powers could have been. The writers have stated they wouldn’t be the same as Macy’s, so no pyrokinesis or Evil Sight.
I thought that maybe Kaela could develop Smoking, or Flaming, sort of like the demonic equivalent of Paige’s Orbing power in the original. But maybe she could have developed aerokinesis.
Like I said, though, I’m curious what everyone else thinks they could have been.
SERIES FINALE – In the epic series finale, Mel (Melonie Diaz), Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) and Kaela (Lucy Barrett), along with Harry (Rupert Evans) and Jordan (Jordan Donica), have now discovered that the cabal of foes coalescing to bring down the Power of Three are actually working for an ancient evil that's been laying dormant since the dawn of magic. This powerful dark force — known as the Lost One — will be the ultimate test of the strength of the newly discovered sisterhood; forcing them to rekindle their connection…or face the destruction of magic itself.
What are your thoughts on the episode? What did you think of it?
This is me indulging wishful thinking.
A version of the show that is the union of both series, 1998 & 2018.
Let's say 2010 for the years it happens and for at least 6 seasons.
I will not include Kaela in this.
It is not that I dislike her, but considering the reasons why she is a Charmed One and that the show is getting cancelled, I think we know why this isn't working.
Let's see how it would pan out.
-Biology & Bonds:
First off, a Prue-Macy fusion that doesn't die.
Prue died because the actress wasn't getting along with the cast and crew. (among other reasons)
Macy died because they thought they had to imitate Prue's demise when we know it is not a real in-universe decision that happened.
She has a Photo Shooting passion and mostly focuses on the scientific world for her subjects.
Piper-Mel hybrid doesn't change much, she's Bisexual so she has a child of love but does have various gendered lovers.
She is the middle sister but isn't constantly the mediator between the oldest and youngest.
She is the best potion-maker around.
Her child would have something similar to Kaela's Manifestation, as to reference the Projection variant.
Phoebe-Paige-Maggie is a focused fusion of a psychic with light abilities.
She discovers she is half their sister before the show starts, and reunites when it starts, because the event that unlocked their powers made her want to spend more time with them.
She won't be cut off her powers because of a stupidly rigged tribunal.
When she'll focus on her Whitelighter half's duties, her telempathic abilities help her be one of the best guides, for she deeply connects with her charges.
All 3 of them have the usual witches' power.
Mediumship, Potion Making, Scrying and Spell Casting.
We also get a little emphasis on them creating spell-casted variations of their core powers for situations where they need the missing sister's ability but she isn't immediately available. Of course, it doesn't compare to the actual core-power.
.Prue-Macy, the Sister of Space
She has Telekinesis, Astral Projection and maybe some Spatiokinesis, to insist on her Space title.
She can affect physical bodies and eventually even remotely teleport what she wants.
Her AP is because she can move her spiritual self the way she does with matter.
.Piper-Mel, the Sister of Time
She has Chronokinesis, as she Accelerates, Halts, Slows or Rewind her targets.
After that, she can make Time Leaps and interacts with her past-future self.
Eventually, on the physics side, she affects molecules, heating up and/or bursting through acceleration and freezing down through slowing.
She has both the Double Blades and the Time Bracelets to help.
.Phoebe-Paige-Maggie, the Sister of Emotion
Her Telempathic Radar-Scrying allows her to see beyond the physical planes and inside others' heads.
She has Retro and Precognition with accurate psychic readings.
She can Levitate and uses it in her meditations and brawling moves.
Her Whitelighter half manifests in her Emotional Light Manipulation.
She mostly uses it to conjure up defensive constructs through her feelings.
The ELM is way stronger every time she uses it with her sisters.
Her mastery of the Empathic Staff is powerful.
What do you think ?
STRONGER TOGETHER – While the Charmed Ones (Melonie Diaz, Sarah Jeffery and Lucy Barrett) are still reeling from a shocking turn of events, The Unseen have infiltrated every corner of the magical realm and are on the precipice of their plans to destroy the Power of Three forever. Also starring Rupert Evans and Jordan Donica.
What are your thoughts on the episode? What did you think of it?
I know she’s said to be an Manifestor like Kaela, but I think Astral Projection is one of her original powers since she quickly appeared to Kaela on the road before the real her came and had that talk with Kaela. Also when a week ago I had the sense that she was Sister of Emotions in her group but now apparently she was Co Sister of Space with Ishta (The Guardian) doesn’t seem right to me since it’s been made clear all sisters have different titles in their generation when Active Charmed Ones.
Is anyone seeing the resemblance between Brynn and Ishani. TBH I thought it was Brynn in the promo of 4x11 until I learned it was Ishani.
Did anyone think that Dev’s death was the true parallel to Andy’s death from the Original Series compared to Tripp’s death in Early S1 after he caught the Vaughn-Vera sisters in an magical exorcism and got caught in the crossfire (No one other than Niko mourned him mostly because Charity framed him as a murderer and he sucked as a character that however is besides the point) Dev’s death was more emotional to the Charmed Ones especially Kalea. I know we have said Tripp and Niko were basically an Decomposite versions of Andy who served different purposes (Being killed on duty; Lost Love) however they didn’t have the check mark of helping an Charmed One who they deeply loved only for it to tragically lead to their death! I have been thinking about this ever since the episode and couldn’t hold it any longer!