Rules & Policies
Administrator Policies • Blocking Guidelines • Rules & Policy • Chatroom Guidelines • Moderator Guidelines • Shipping Guidelines • Layout Guide
What are the Tiers?
First, as an administrator/bureaucrat, you'll start with a warning. If the user continues you'll give them a second and final warning and then you'll use the tiers.
Tier 1 - 1 to 2 weeks
Tier 2 - 2 to 6 months
Tier 3 - 5 to 10 months
Tier 4 - (Which is the biggest Tier) 1 to 2 years or depending on how big of an action you committed could possibly lead to infinite.
What is Blocking
Blocking is a tool that the administrators use to stop a user from editing here or talking on here if they have not followed the rules.
Block Levels
- You don't follow the rules - Tier 1
- You harass another user - Tier 2
- You constantly bother the admins and bombard them with useless messages - Tier 3
- You swear at users - Tier 3
- Inserting false information - Tier 3
- Adding useless pages - Tier 3
- Abusing multiple users - Tier 4
- Make fake accounts afterward and start editing with them (We know) - Tier 4
- Breaking more of the rules after your block time has expired - Tier 4
- Attempting to create unneeded/unnecessary conflict between the two users. - Tier 4
- Underaged (depending on how old you are. EG if your 10 you'll be blocked till your 13) - Tier 4
- If the admins think you did something and you don't need any of the Tiers. The Charmed Reboot Wiki will decide how long you should be blocked and if it's not a big action then you'll be blocked for a period of 24 hours.
Discussing Your Block
To discuss your block you can
- Message the admins at FANDOM.
- You will not get blocked if you are blocked on another wiki. You can only get blocked if you perform offenses on this wiki.
- There is no guarantee your block can be lowered unless you provide a strong case and we might reduce it by a few months or a year depending on your block.