Charmed Wiki
Charmed Wiki
Rules & Policies
Use this navigation template to find all of our rules and policies:
Administrator PoliciesBlocking GuidelinesRules & PolicyChatroom GuidelinesModerator GuidelinesShipping GuidelinesLayout Guide

Section 1: General Rules

  1. First and foremost, please refrain from using profanities while on this site. We attempt to maintain a family-friendly environment here.
  2. Absolutely no inappropriate material. Young children and preteens watch Charmed and may come to this site.
  3. Do not remove information, unless you are completely certain that it is false.
  4. Do not write false or inappropriate information on a page. It will be immediately erased.
  5. No cyber-bullying. Bullying is very rude and can hurt other user's feelings. Being rude and insulting other users counts as bullying. Harassing and threatening also falls under this category.
  6. No spamming!
  7. You need to be 13 or over to create an account. If you are younger and you get caught you will be blocked.
  8. If you want to delete a page, please see an admin.
  9. Do not create pages only for the purpose of badges. This is considered badge gaming.
  10. Do not advertise for one's website.
  11. Do not insert nonsense/gibberish to pages.
  12. Do not disrespect other users for any reason. You are expected to treat every user with kindness.
  13. Don't post in all caps.
  14. Do not copy information from this wiki without crediting it. This is considered plagiarism and will be dealt with accordingly.
  15. Do not edit another user's profile without permission.
  16. Do not use warning templates, unless you are an admin, rollback or chat moderator.
  17. For your own safety, please do not share personal information about yourself.
  18. Please don't change a character's profile picture without consulting other users.
  19. Edits that only have the purpose to get awards are considered spam.
  20. Do not troll. User pages are only to be edited by the user.
  21. Shipping wars are far from allowed. If you don't like a particular pairing, it's best to stay off that page.
  22. Removing content based on your dislike of a particular pairing is considered vandalism.
  23. Inserting sexually explicit content or images can get you banned anywhere from a month up to a permanent ban.
  24. Don't insert something that has nothing related to the page you're editing.
  25. Adding unneeded categories will get you a warning!
  26. Do not remove templates from pages!
  27. Do not mess up templates! There will be consequences!
  28. Do not add miniature images to galleries. This can be noted as badge gaming.
  29. Do not remove warnings from your message wall.
  30. Don't screen capture from episodes that haven't aired yet.
  31. Do not post any episode links before the episode has aired!
  32. As part of our recently updated policy, no negative remarks should be made about the other Charmed wiki.
  33. Not having read these policies is not an excuse.
  34. Have fun on this wiki!

Section 2: Content

  1. All content/information (minus pictures and sourced references) belong to the Charmed Wiki, and belong to us when they are added into the article.
  2. Plagarising this information, or taking it without the appropriate creditation is against a violation of the wiki policies, not to mention plagarism, and will result in an immediate block.

Section 3: Images

  1. Inserting sexually explicit images can get you banned anywhere from a month up to a permanent ban.
  2. Images should only be added to the correct galleries.
  3. Images should have a proper name and the title should describe the image, for example the image shows Macy Vaughn and Mel Vera hugging, your title would be Macy and Mel hugging.(file type, jpg, png etc.)
  4. Images should not be added twice, one of the duplicates (most likely bad quality one) will be deleted.
  5. It is preferred for you to check if the picture already exists.
  6. Small pictures should not be added to galleries.

Section 4: Warning/Blocking Rules

Every time you constantly break one of these rules, you get a warning. Three warnings and you get a ban. The time period of a ban can go from a few hours to permanently, depending on what you did. Also, if your ban is up and you still are breaking the rules we will expand the ban and soon you may even be permanently banned.

  • Please note that you can still get banned even if you aren't logged into an account. We can still block your IP address.

Probation Policies

Any user who has been involved in conflict on the wiki where an admin has to get involved will be put on a one week Probation after the incident has been solved, closed or resolved. Users on probation are identifiable by the PROBATION tag on their user page, and in some cases they will be given a red highlight.
