Charmed Wiki
Charmed Wiki
Charmed Wiki
Rules & Policies
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Here are the rules for Chatting With Friends, if you get caught breaking these rules, you'll be blocked.

Chat policies

T Chat Rules

When you use the chat, you agree not to:

  • Harass/bully any other members of the wiki
  • Ship war or break other rules found in the policies (if this page doesn't somehow say otherwise, the rule on the policies applies, otherwise the one on here does)
  • Post links with explicit content
  • Impersonate any other person
  • Ask for personal information (address, password, etc.) for a person and do not stop after a clear no.
  • Use explicit language (the censoring does not make it allowed) in ANY WAY. After the first time of cussing a warning is going to get given, after the second time a kickban.
  • Spam
  • No Cursing!

Other policies

Moderators may enforce their own policies. These include:

  • Common sense. If there is something from which you know it may will make someone upset, annoyed or angry do not post it, and if you do, ask if it would be fine and do not do it if you get a no. This also includes users who come online and "troll".
  • Spamming the chat with emoticons which may cause it to crash/lag.


Bans can be made by chat mods or administrators in case rules are broken.

  • After the first rule break a warning must be given.
  • After the second rule break the person must be kicked, but not banned from chat.
  • After a third rule break the person must be banned for a period of 1-3 days, depending on how bad the rule break was. If it was a really harsh rule break, or the person has been already kickbanned for a longer period before, a longer ban can be given.
  • If someone breaks the rules often, an admin can be asked to ban the person from the whole wiki for a period of time.


A kick/banned person may ask an administrator to be unbanned if they believe the kick/ban was not justified. You must state the name of the moderator kick/banning you and what exactly happened.
