The Desenmascarar Spell is a spell that reveals a hidden door. It was created by Jada Shields and Marisol Vera to reveal the door to the Sarcana's hidden lair. It was located in the original Book of Shadows. The Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones found a second use in revealing the door to enter the Command Center in Seattle.
In "Bug a Boo", Mel Vera used it three times to open a secret door located in the Mystic Mayhem Tattoo Parlor.
After forcefully relocating to Seattle, the sisters began using it to access the doorway leading into the Command Center in SafeSpace.
- Descubre el camino secreto.
- Translation
- Unveil the secret path.[1]
- The spell was located on page 672 of the original Book of Shadows.
- Desenmascarar is Spanish for "to unmask." Thus, the name of the spell translates to "The Unmasking Spell."
- In a Youtube video[1], Madeleine Mantock read the translation of the incantation from the script as "Unveil the secret path." However, the Spanish word "descubre" would more accurately and clearly translate to "discover," thus making the translation "discover the secret path."
- When the spell was used to reveal the door to the Sarcana's lair in the tattoo parlor, it was accompanied by a purple effect. However, when used to reveal the Command Center door, such an effect did not appear. It's possible that the spell is unmasking a specific spell, and that's why the visuals of it are different.
- This spell is similar to the spell To Create a Door from the original series.