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Loveland frogs are a species of ancient amphibious magical beings. They are known to be foul-tempered and are indigenous to Ohio. They are humanoid in appearance, though they have sticky webbed, frog-like hands that produce a toxin fatal to mortals, but not other magical creatures. They are cousin creatures to the dart frog. They are one of the nine original clans of magic who helped create the first Charmed Ones.


In "Unveiled", Harry Greenwood and Maggie Vera visit a shop owned by a Loveland frog in order to figure out who had last purchased the Unity Bowl. He refused to show them the ledger with the history of whom had bought the bowl when he noticed Maggie, due to her being a Charmed One, and orders the two of them to leave. Maggie and the frog man then fought over the buyers' ledger, until Maggie accidentally mimicked his powers and caused the ledger to stick to her hand, allowing them to escape with it.

In "Divine Secrets of the O.G. Sisterhood", the same Loveland frog was shown to be a member of the Unseen and sacrifices himself in the ritual to resurrect Inara.

Book of Elders Entry[]

The Loveland Frog[]

Foul-tempered amphibian, indigenous to Ohio.

Secretes a sticky batrachotoxin that is only fatal to humans.

Physical Appearance[]

Loveland frogs are humanoid in appearance, except their webbed hands, which are green in color, from the wrists to the middle of the palm, from which they then extend into an orange color up until their fingers. Their fingertips are enlarged and shaped as pads, and they lack fingernails.

Powers and Abilities[]

Active Powers
  • Adhesive Venom Secretion: A Loveland Frog's hands emit a type of magical batrachotoxin that is fatal only to human beings, unless provided an antidote. Additionally, this toxin is sticky enough to provide the user the advantage of grabbing objects with ease, as they stick on their hands.

Known Loveland Frogs[]


  • In Ohio folklore, the Loveland frog (also known as the Loveland frogman or Loveland Lizard) is a legendary humanoid frog described as standing roughly 4 feet (1.2 m) tall, allegedly spotted in Loveland, Ohio.
  • In Divine Secrets of the O.G. Sisterhood, it was revealed that this species is one of the first 9 clans of magic from ancient times, but in real life, the legends of the Loveland frog were created only in the mid-50s of the 20th century.

