Monsters (sometimes referred to as beasts or creatures) are a type of magical beings that are most commonly dangerous and aggressive. These beings usually resemble bizarre, otherworldly animals or entirely unique creatures of varying sizes but may also take a more human appearance. Some of these creatures may also be misunderstood and friendly creatures who frighten individuals without necessarily wanting to, or they may be so large, strong, and clumsy that they cause unintentional damage or death.
Aside from biological beasts and monsters, these creatures can be created by various magical or scientific means as well.
Ancient Times[]
In ancient times, magic was everywhere, and many monsters ran the world until the various magical tribes got together and gave a bit of their magic to create two beings known as "the Perfecti." After their creation, Mo and Aladria imprisoned any beings that they deemed chaotic into a fifth-dimensional prison created by them, the Tomb of Chaos. It is known that the imprisoned beings included the violent spirit of a reptile-like monster, the narcissistic Omon, a worm monster, a doppelgänger, a faceless creature, the Whispering Evil, and a countless amount of other creatures/beings.
Eventually, the Perfecti went up against an early incarnation of the Charmed Ones. While the sisterhood was able to place Mo and Aladria into a slumber within their own prison dimension, the Perfecti used a golem to bring about the Destruction of the Sisterhood.
Hunted by the Faction[]
In modern times, there are still many magical beasts left in the world, including the blind kyons, griffins, ogres, and many more. In 2019, after the deaths of the Elders, a group of mortals led by Vivienne Laurent and Julian Shea known as "the Faction" were able to release Harry Greenwood's Darklighter, Jimmy, from his bottle in Castle Breithe and took control of him, using him to hunt these creatures, members of the magical community, demons, and also witches. The Faction killed a countless number of these creatures and transferred their magic into the bodies of deceased humans, creating two monsters through their experiments. Eventually, Vivienne equipped a power acquisition device created by the group, which she used to become the new Conqueror, even killing Julian after he began rethinking things. Vivienne used her stolen power to break into the Command Center and absorb the magic of the black amber; however, she met her end when she attempted to siphon the Power of Three and was overloaded by the immense power.
Rifts in Tomb of Chaos[]
In 2021, the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones accidentally broke the system of the Tomb of Chaos, which kept the various monsters from ancient times imprisoned. After that, many of them began to escape from the prison through rifts, but Mel Vera, Macy Vaughn, and Maggie Vera were able to vanquish at least 185 of them, and many others were again imprisoned by the Perfecti. One of the monsters, the Whispering Evil, managed to escape from the prison due to finding a human host in Jordan Chase after he was briefly imprisoned by the Perfecti. After managing to drive the monster from Jordan's body, it tried to possess Macy Vaughn, but she sacrificed her own life in order to vanquish it.
Negative Space[]
Six months after Macy's death, Mel and Maggie Vera were united with Kaela Danso and the latter's powers were activated as the new Charmed One. After finding herself in the Command Center, Kaela accidentally manifested an apple out of her drawing without realizing it. Later, that apple was found by Joséfina Reyes who proceeded to take a bite from it and, since Kaela's power was still new and unstable, she was turned into a picture and that created a Negative Space Being. Eventually, the newly constituted Vera-Danso Charmed Ones were able to place the negative space and drawing back together, vanquishing the being in the process and return Joséfina to normal.
Known Monsters[]
Present-day Monsters[]
Ancient Monsters[]
Monsters Created Through Science[]
- First Monster
- Second Monster
- Vivienne Laurent (through the Prism; supercharged with black amber)
Monsters Created Through Magic[]
- Golems
- Negative Space Being
- Georgie (through Soul Softeners; temporarily)
- Zamba Zaraa (through one of the Corruption Coins; temporarily)
- Annie Periwinkle (through a Corruption Coin; temporarily)
- At the beginning of the episode "O, The Tangled Web", a board was shown with a list of ancient monsters that the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones had already faced. Massacooramaan is listed, as well as a Pegasus that is marked as not friendly. Two of them were left unnamed and just listed as "big scary monster with claws" and "two-headed voodoo snake serpent thingy."
- The massacooramaan is an ape-like boogeyman figure in Caribbean folklore who attacks from rivers and other Guyanese bodies of water, upturning small boats and dragging people under the water to drown them before consuming them. A pegasus is a winged horse derived from Greek mythology. The second unnamed creature may be a reference to the two-headed Aztec snake.
- Before Macy's encounter with the worm monster in Bruja-Ha, the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones are said to have vanquished 182 ancient monsters from the Tomb of Chaos.
- Since majority of the chaotic beings or monsters that were imprisoned within the Tomb of Chaos were able to be vanquished soon after escaping, aside from the worm monster and the Whispering Evil, who were able to regenerate themselves, it leads one to question why these beings weren't vanquished in the first place by the Perfecti or some other force instead of being imprisoned. Moreover, as it turns out later, the Perfecti have always known about the mean of vanquishing the Whispering Evil.