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Portal Creation (or Portaling) is the power to produce openings in space between two locations, known as "portals," that allow instantaneous travel from one location to the other. It has been shown that these portals can connect two places on Earth or be used to access alternate dimensions. In some instances, there have been tears in space between different dimensions or realities that are unintentionally opened. However, these are commonly referred to as "rifts" rather than as portals.

Portal Creation as Power[]

The first shown wielders of this ability were the Callahan sisters, Charity and Fiona Callahan. Charity's portals appeared as circular holes in space, outlined with neon violet light. Fiona's portals appeared as oval holes in space with a blue aura, outlined in green light and a more flame-like appearance than her sister's. When connecting two points on Earth, each location could be seen from either side of the portal. However, when portaling to an alternate dimension, the portal would only show an expanse of violet or teal energy punctuated by bright lights, and neither the destination nor point of origin could be seen. When Charity's portals closed, they dissipated into violet sparks before blinking out of existence, while Fiona's dissipated into teal flames that vanished. Fiona was also skilled enough to open and close a portal around herself without having to actually step through, while Charity and later Whitelighter Tessa Flores-Cohen displayed the ability to portal objects without entering the portal themselves.

Mo and Aladria, known together as "The Perfecti," have the ability of creating portals to imprison magical beings that they have deemed too chaotic within the Tomb of Chaos. The Perfecti's power is activated through the emission of varying frequencies of sound and by channeling a bright, blue glowing energy from their hands. The portals leading to the tomb appear as white, glowing, upside-down, triangular openings in space that are capable of sucking the dangerous beings into the prison dimension.

Portal Creation Through Artifacts and Spells[]

Several magical artifacts and substances have also shown the ability to open portals to various effects. The Scythe of Tartarus is a magical weapon that, when used with an accompanying spell, is capable of releasing prisoners from Tartarus—a prison for even the most powerful of beings, such as gods, witches, and demons. The scythe was split into three shards by the god, Zeus. Once reassembled and combined with a beacon, it can be used to open a portal to Tartarus. The shards were kept secretly by sentinels and were passed down from generation to generation. By 2018, the shards were guarded by a satyr named Leon, a taweret named Sela, and an Elder named Marisol Vera. Parker Caine was tasked by his father, the demon Alastor, with tracking and obtaining the three shards. However, when the three shards were finally reassembled into the scythe by the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones, the weapon was stolen by Jada Shields. She later used it to release Fiona Callahan from Tartarus and then split the scythe again and gave one of the shards back to Mel Vera. Mel confessed to Charity that she destroyed her piece of the scythe since she believed no one should be able to wield that type of power.
Additionally, the priest of a Romanian Catholic Church possessed a mystical staff allowing him to cast a spell that cracked open a portal in the ground to imprison beings within Tartarus. However, during Christmastime of 2018, the staff was stolen by the Caine brothers and later broken when Parker with Maggie Vera and her sisters used it to send Hunter Caine and inadvertently Harry Greenwood to the hellish dimension. The staff fell into Tartarus, while its headpiece broke off and remained on Earth.
In 2021, during the trial of Abigael Jameson-Caine and Jordan Chase, Mo conjured a set of magical keys that allowed the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones to open portals into the Tomb of Chaos. With these keys, the sisters were able to converse with Abigael and Jordan while they were imprisoned within the tomb. The sisters utilized a Psychic Shield Potion to protect themselves from the mind-tampering effects of the tomb.

The Command Center and "Witchness Protection"[]

The Command Center possesses a magical system that can allow magical beings, such as witches and Whitelighters, to create a portal from the Center to anywhere in the world by navigating a map of the world to select the desired destination. This system also generates a marble made of black amber that, when thrown, reopens the portal back to the Command Center. Portals generated by the Command Center appear as circular holes in space, similar to the Callahan sisters', but are outlined differently, depending on which side they are viewed from. In the Command Center, they have a blue outline, while outside, they are outlined yellow. Regardless of location, the portals will only show warped, blurry images of their destination. This system was used by the Elders in their efforts to watch over the magical community before their coven was massacred by Hunter and Fiona on Cinco de Mayo of 2019. It came into regular use by the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones when they were forcibly moved to Seattle.

The Witchness Protection Program is a security measure created by the Elders to protect witches in grave danger. When a witch is in grave danger, they can escape through a portal to the Command Center, where their auras are stripped, removing all but their basic powers to cast spells and brew magical potions. By becoming nearly powerless, they are unable to be tracked by enemies. The witch in the program can then start their life anew.
In order for the portal to the Command Center to be opened, the witch's own book of magic needs to be harmed, either by being stabbed or completely destroyed. It appears that the portal opens only when the cover of the book is harmed or if the book is damaged beyond repair, as simply a torn page won't open it. The original Vera Book of Shadows was enchanted through the Witchness Protection Program as a last resort for Marisol. In 2019, when Harry's Darklighter, Jimmy, destroyed the book, it created a portal that let the Charmed Ones escape to the Command Center, followed by Vera Manor, which was also portaled to an abandoned lot in Seattle.
Under normal circumstances, once the witch in protection has their powers removed, they would be given a special marble that would allow said witch to return to the Command Center and restore their powers in case they wanted to return to service.

Unintentionally Opened Portals or "Rifts"[]

In 2019, after an unfortunate conversation about her demonic side, Macy Vaughn found a vial of Escape Oil in her mother's supplies in the attic of Vera Manor. She used the oil on herself and turned on her favorite television show, Heaven's Vice. Unfortunately, Macy had forgotten to close the vial and, during viewing, accidentally spilled it, causing an electrical surge to her Wi-Fi router. Somehow, this reaction created a portal/rift, which transported the characters of Macy's show into their attic.

On Valentine's Day 2021, after magic was poisoned by Vivienne Laurent, the three individual pieces of Macy's yin yang pendant were recovered by the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones and fused back together to reignite the Source. It was then submerged in the basin of pure black amber underneath the Command Center, its power being transferred into the Black Amber Tree. The immense powers being merged caused an explosion that opened a rift in the fifth-dimensional time and space, unintentionally blowing a hole in the Tomb of Chaos. One by one, the chaotic monsters from the tomb started escaping whenever a rift opened in a Fibonacci sequence. The sisters were able to vanquish them each time. The Perfecti were awakened by an incantation that blew the rift wide open, allowing monsters to escape more frequently, but the Perfecti temporarily aided the Charmed Ones in entrapping all of the monsters that escaped and sealing the rift permanently.

Known Users[]

Original Power


  • Celeste claims that she invented the 'witchboard'—the map and portal system of the Command Center used to locate witches in danger and portal to them.
  • The portal made from the Command Center has a blue color, while all of the portals made by the marbles are yellow. This is most likely a reference to the famous puzzle-platform video game named Portal.
  • Although not explicitly stated or confirmed, it can be presumed that the mysterious being that escaped through the dimensional rift at the conclusion of "You Can't Touch This" was Omon.


See Also[]
