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Santiago Raymond "Ray" Vera is the ex-husband of Marisol Vera. He is also the biological father of Charmed One, Melanie Vera, and the legal father of Charmed One, Margarita Vera.


Early Life[]

Ray and Marisol were both professors at the Hilltowne University when they met. Seeing how kin they were in personality, they fell in love and eventually married and had a daughter named Mel. Dedicated to his work in archeology, Ray was often traveling around the world digging up lost artifacts and exhuming old civilizations while Marisol stayed home with Mel. This made her lonely and ultimately fell back into the arms of her ex-lover, Dexter.

Ray found out about the affair and the child they had. Wanting to fix their marriage, Ray became Maggie's legal father. However, the betrayal and resentment stayed with him, and he started down a depressed period. Ultimately his marriage to Marisol ended and he left the day after Maggie's fifth birthday. Since then he resided in Minneapolis and barely kept in touch with his daughters, and often cancelled any plans to see them despite having promised them. One such occasion being Maggie's seventh birthday when he was to take her to a ballet dance, and didn't show up. Maggie was crushed, and Marisol and Mel consoled her by making up an excuse about Ray having to leave for work and giving her a music box as an apology.

When Marisol passed away in mid-2018, Ray went to the funeral and, needing money for himself, stole a talisman that he later sold to the black market.

Throughout the Series[]

In "Out of Scythe", Parker Caine asked Maggie about her parents. She answered they weren't together very long.

In "Bug a Boo", TBA

In "Jingle Hell", Ray was supposed to spend Christmas with Maggie since Marisol died, but later told her he couldn't make it. This crushes Maggie.

In "Keep Calm and Harry On", TBA

In "Witch Perfect", Maggie finds out from Macy that they share the same father. She considers calling Ray to confirm but decides against doing so in the end.

In "The Source Awakens", TBA

In "Things to Do in Seattle When You're Dead", Maggie found Ray's obituary online. According to it, he died of a heart attack around the same time she and her sisters disappeared from Hilltowne, possibly believing that Mel and Maggie died in a house fire. He couldn't accept the fact that his daughters had seemingly died, and the stress of it caused his heart attack. Maggie secretly attended his funeral.

In "Guess Who's Coming to SafeSpace Seattle", Maggie, Mel and Harry find him alive and well, having faked his death to avoid trouble due to the fact that he was a thief. It turns out he had stolen an artifact that was capable of uncloaking the Vera Manor, which was cloaked for protection from Jimmy. It had actually belonged to the Fury, a monster whose sole purpose was to regain that artifact. It broke into the house and attacked Maggie, but Ray risked his life and gave the monster the artifact, saving Maggie's life. He is later seen having coquito with Mel and Maggie, having seemingly reconciled with the two.

In "Curse Words", Ray attends Jordan Chase's birthday party. Mel quickly tells him to leave as this could blow his cover, and he is later seen at the Command Center. He must meet with a pair of black market dealers in Nevada to give them an artifact he stole from India. Before he and Mel left, Ray stole a small bottle of black amber. Unbeknownst to him, Mel placed a tracker on the artifact, and he ended up being held at gunpoint by the dealers. However, Mel quickly saved his life by using her powers to heat up the gun the female dealer was holding, causing her to drop it. Unfortunately, the dealers managed to escape with Ray preventing Mel from using her powers further out of fear of exposure. Ray later had to leave to avoid putting the sisters at more risk and shared an emotional goodbye with Mel.

In "Breaking the Cycle", Mel tells Maggie that Ray always knew she wasn't his biological daughter.

In "Don't Look Back in Anger", it is revealed that Ray had been tracking the Faction's movements. Maggie also learns that he kept in touch with Mel, but not with her. The hurt and shock causes Maggie panic attacks. Needing to know what the Faction was up to, Mel brings Ray back to Seattle. Mel and Ray then go to Iguasu to follow a lead from Harry about a forty-stone parasite, only to turn out to be a false lead. Maggie looked up more information and tells them what he heard was Fort Easton Power Site; an abandoned military base where the Shea Group operates. The three then travel to Oregon. Ray and Mel mention playing online games during their chats, leading Maggie to have another panic attack. Ray then tells Maggie that she had suffered from episodes of panic attacks when he and Marisol first divorced, and they sent her to see a shrink without telling her. Feeling fed out with being kept out of the loop, Maggie openly expresses her anger and hurt, accidentally releasing a new power on two security guards on duty. They use the opportunity to infiltrate the power site where they pretend to be potential sponsors. They are then led to an underground tunnel where they see tens of dead bodies trapped in experimental tanks. Julian Shea then walks into the tunnel and recognizes Maggie. Having no more options, Mel, Maggie, and Ray escape through a portal back to the Command Center.

Later that night, Ray talks to Maggie in private. He tells her that he had never minded that she wasn't his biological daughter.

In "An Inconvenient Truth", TBA

In "Triage", Maggie mentions Ray teaching her star constellations and the jewelry box he gave her when she was eight years old.

In "You Can't Go Home Again", when Mel and Maggie were discussing their connection to Kaela Danso, Maggie expresses doubt that Marisol had another affair in 1995 and left a newborn at some fire station in Philadelphia, noting to Mel that their dad would have noticed when Mel made a theory of that possibility to her.

In "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Sandwich", Ray and his friend Choochi track down the Filiation Frame at his daughters' request and sends it to them. The frame arrives at the end of the episode.

In "The Tallyman Cometh", Ray, after hearing about Maggie assaulting a man on the street, secretly meets with Maggie to talk about her anger problems. She tries to dismiss the meeting as soon as she sees him. Ray's hasty movement causes him to have a heart attack. Maggie incepts him with calm to help with the pain. Ray then persuades her to do the session. He helps her realize that she has been angry at herself for failing to prevent Macy's fate. He tells her that every time he failed to follow through on his promises, she would always forgive him and be prepared to see him again the next time he made such promise. She never stopped forgiving him even though he continued to disappoint her, because she was capable of forgiveness. And if she could forgive him, she can come to forgive herself. Mel texts Maggie about a 911 situation. Ray, knowing she is needed, ends the session. At the end of the episode, Ray meets with Jordan Chase at SafeSpace, Seattle. He encourages him to not give up on Maggie, but he is dismissive. Ray then reveals that he needs Jordan's help for something else: his heart has somehow been cursed.

In "Cats and Camels and Elephants, oh my…", Mel finds out Ray has been cursed despite Jordan trying to hide it from her via Ray’s request. She’s furious, but sets her anger aside when she talks to Ray on the phone later on.

In "Unveiled", Ray's picture is shown on the Unseen's hit list.

In "Truth or Cares", Ray awakes up at the Vera Manor with Maggie and Jordan by his side revealing he had an medical episode which Jordan took care of. Despite his somewhat weaken state he annoys Maggie by pointing out the things in the manor that need repair and that Rosebush needs patched up. Jordan agrees with Ray about the house needing repairs and better security causing Maggie to walk out of the room frustrated as she couldn’t get an word in edgewise. Ray soon discovered that Dexter Vaughn came back to the land of the living and engaged in a fight with him before Maggie and Jordan stopped them. Because both men hated each other, the tension was high. Dexter's presence also caused magic to throw off balance, causing a stuffed elephant to come to life when a deadly potion was accidentally spilled on it. The elephant stole the bowl, then tried to kill the trio when Maggie failed to put it to sleep. Dexter and Ray finally worked together and helped Maggie find a spell to reverse the imbalance by killing everything that shouldn't be alive. The spell deanimated Trunksie and sent Dexter back to the Veil. After curing Ray, who was cursed by the same deadly curse, he and Maggie toasted to Dexter.

In "Be Kind. Rewind.", Ray is shown to live in San Francisco where he has an view of the Golden Gate Bridge unfortunate he was turned into an tree and all that remained were his glasses on the tree when the girls go to check on him.



  • Ray and Mel Vera: His only true born daughter; however, their relationship hadn't been in a good place since he walked out on her and her family. She remembered the turmoil of her parents' relationship. After walking back into their lives, Ray and Mel found common ground and reconciled before he left again. They remained in contact and started playing online games to mend their relationship.
  • Ray and Maggie Vera: The day after Maggie's 5th birthday, he walked out on Marisol and the kids. He barely kept in touch with Maggie and always found excuses not to visit. He knew Maggie wasn't his biological daughter, but he came to love her. He would watch the stars with her when she was little. Since he walked out, Maggie had longed for his return and was always disappointed whenever he was absent during holidays and canceled dinners. Many years later, Ray came back into their lives, he started mending his relationships with his daughters. Seven months after Macy died, Ray gave her a much-needed counseling session to figure out why she has become angry and destructive.

Romantic Life[]

  • Ray and Marisol Vera: It was known he got together with Marisol Vera after she was forced to leave her ex and daughter. Together, they conceived Mel. It was implied seven years later Ray was duped that he also fathered Maggie. However, he left the day after she turned five, making his relationship with Marisol before her death unreconciled. Ray later explained to Mel that he left Marisol because he knew her heart belonged to another man, and that he knew that Maggie was not his biological daughter.



  • He was the second father mentioned in the series.
  • Mel doesn't like him because he always finds excuses to not see Maggie.
    • However their relationship is on the mends ever since Season 2 as Ray vowed to make up for being an absentee father to his daughters more specifically Maggie.
  • When Macy altered reality to make it so that Mel was the one who could not meet Marisol, Ray moved away with Mel for her protection.
  • He used to sing to Maggie as a child and called her Little Bug.
  • He also taught Mel to play poker and called her Dorito.
  • He promised to take Maggie to a ballet for her seventh birthday, but never showed up. Marisol made up an excuse that he was called away on business, while Mel brought Maggie a ballerina box with a fake apology note from Ray.
  • Ray's full name was revealed to be Santiago Raymond Vera in "Things to Do in Seattle When You're Dead". Ray is a short form (hypocorism) of Raymond.


