Someone's Going to Die is the second episode of the third season of Charmed and the forty-third episode of the series overall. It aired on January 31, 2021.
TRUST ISSUES – The Destruction of the Sisterhood looms large as the Charmed Ones (Melonie Diaz, Madeleine Mantock and Sarah Jeffery) face down The Faction. Harry (Rupert Evans) and Macy are divided over a potential ally – Julian (guest star Eric Balfour). Also starring Poppy Drayton and Jordan Donica.
Maggie has a terrible vision of someone dying. She tells her sisters. They head to the Guardian to find out what is going on. The Guardian tells them if anyone touches the black amber in her chambers then the dark ages might come about again. The sisters want to seal the door but then they cannot get her help. As they talk further about it, Maggie feels weak and faints.
Vivienne Laurent shows a buyer her device that collects magical powers. When the buyer demands proof, Vivienne immediately begins to try the device, with a concerned Nadia reminding of the impending safety protocols to be fixed. Vivienne goes on anyway, leaving a horrified Nadia to watch as the buyer slowly turns to stone.
Vivienne later tells her team that Julian has gone missing and he cannot be trusted. Meanwhile, Jordan heads through the woods to a house. Mel brings Maggie tea after her panic attack. They talk about her vision. Mel isn't worried, they are back to the Power of Three.
Macy and Harry speak by phone with Julian who has taken Nadia's form, explaining her concerned behavior. He is with Vivienne as she attempts to sell the prism device. Julian plans to get it. Harry worries he may double-cross them. Mel and Maggie are also scared.
Vivienne sees Nadia looking for the prism. Nadia lies, saying she wants to protect it from the Charmed Ones. Meanwhile, Macy gives Harry a set of magical headphones so they can communicate.
Outside of the Fort Easton Power Site, Harry calls the sisters. He cannot breach the perimeter. Maggie steps away to call Jordan. She tells him about her premonition. Mel meets with Ruby. Vivienne questions Nadia about an event from their past. She knows something is wrong.
Vivienne knows Nadia is Julian. Julian admits it is him. Harry gets in. Macy gets scared. With the help of Mel and Maggie, she goes to Harry. After casting the spell to disaable the perimeter, Mel starts to bleed from her nose. Maggie panics and Mel drops to the ground.
Macy finds Harry, and together they locate Julian whose outward appearance is changing back into himself. He no longer looks like Nadia, and He is dying. Macy heads to find Vivienne. Harry stays with Julian who passes away.
Harry and Macy head back to the Command Center. They tell Maggie and Mel what happened. Minutes later, Vivienne tries to get in. They try to seal the entry but Vivienne makes it through. She puts her hands into the basin, sucking up magical powers. The sisters come to. Vivienne laughs now filled with new powers. Together the Charmed Ones vanquish Vivienne.
The next morning, the world hears of Julian's death. Jordan returns to see Maggie. He talks about a magical errand and Abigael. Ruby and Mel meet while Harry and Macy plan a date.
Ruby begins coughing up ash. Mel brings her to see the others. They head into the Command Center under-chambers, where they speak with the guardian. Everything is ash. Something is very wrong.
Main Cast[] |
Guest Cast[]
Magical Notes[]
- Black Amber Tree Room Opening Spell
- Used by the Charmed Ones to enter the Black Amber Tree room.
- Demon-Spotting Mode Spell
- Used by Macy to reveal the condition of demons suffering from the after effects of Vivienne touching the black amber tree.
- Macy's Earbug Spell
- Invented by Macy to communicate from a distance with Harry and Maggie.
- Impersonation Spell
- Used by Macy to turn Julian into Nadia.
- The Power of Three Spell
- Used by the Charmed Ones to summon the Power of Three to overpower Vivienne and effectively vanquishing her.
- Sealing Spell
- The Charmed Ones intended to use this to permanently seal the Black Amber Tree room to stop Vivienne from getting to it, but were interrupted before they could complete the spell.
- Turn the Tide
- Used by the Charmed Ones to temporarily break a barrier.
- Clarion Potion
- Used by Macy to implant the idea that the Faction is not real into Nadia's head.
- Sleeping Potion
- Used by Macy to put Nadia to sleep, as part of the Impersonation Spell.
- Energy Blast Generation: Used by Vivienne to break into the Command Center.
- Foresight: Used by Maggie to foresee the death of someone.
- Healing: Used by Harry in attempt to heal both Julian and Ruby.
- Mind Melding: Used by Vivienne to read Macy's mind.
- Orbing: Used by Harry.
- Petrification: Used by Vivienne to petrify Julian and another man.
- Power Absorption: Used by Vivienne in an attempt to appropriate the powers of the Charmed Ones.
- Smoking: Used by Vivienne to teleport.
- Black Amber: A powerful magical substance. Vivienne used black amber to fuel her glove, and poisoned the black amber in the Command Center by touching it, thereby poisoning the magical world.
- Book of Elders: The Elders' tome of magic.
- The Prism: An acquisition and retainment device. It looks like an iron glove with a crystal. Vivienne used it to wield the powers contained within, and to siphons magic directly into the device.
- Ruby return in this episode. She was last seen in Unsafe Space.
- The Guardian return in this episode. She was last seen in Breaking the Cycle.
- Celeste was mentioned. She was last seen in Unsafe Space.
- Marisol Vera was mentioned. She was last seen in Don't Look Back in Anger.
- Jimmy, Rosemary Shea and Abigael Jameson-Caine were mentioned. They were last seen in An Inconvenient Truth.
- The first Conqueror was mentioned. He was first mentioned in Unsafe Space.
- It turned out that there were many Conquerors throughout history. They rise and attempt to steal the power for themselves, and only the Charmed Ones have stood in their way.
- In this episode, Vivienne Laurent was the new Conqueror.
- Vivienne Laurent and Julian Shea die in this episode.
- Poppy Drayton is credited in the CW's official summary, however, she does not appear in the episode.
- This marks the first time in the series that the Charmed Ones intentionally kill a mortal.
- This episode reveals that the Power of Three is too much for one person to handle, and as a result they will die.
- In Out of Scythe, it was revealed that Harry Greenwood suffers from entomophobia. However, in this episode, he somehow doesn't have any problems when an earbug crawls over his shoulder and then crawls into his ear.
- While Harry was looking through the monitor in the Fort Easton Power Site, the list noted a Basilisk, a Griffin, a Kyon, a Lich, a Strige, a golem, a Hobgoblin, a Dryad, a Nymph, an Archon, a Drake, a Kobold, an Abiku, a Kelpie, a Shuck, a Harpie, an Efreet, a Giant, a Manticore, a Chimera, a Jengu, and a Succubus.
Answered Questions from Previous Episode(s)[]
- Will Julian help the Charmed Ones?
- Yes, which eventually leads to his death.
- What does Vivienne want with magic?
- To make mankind more powerful than magical creatures and destroy the magical world.
- What will Vivienne do with the magical residue left behind from the accidental power transferal process?
- The Faction engineered this device into a glove.
- What is in the briefcase given to Vivienne?
- A prism glove created to absorb and harness magical powers.
Unanswered Questions[]
- How will the Charmed Ones save the magical world from its destruction?
- What's going to happen to Rosemary Shea now that her brother and aunt are dead?
- Where did Jordan Chase get the mysterious little bag?
- What does Jordan keep in the little bag for Abigael?
References to the Original Charmed[]
- Vivienne acquired magic through technological means, which made her extremely powerful and dangerous. In the original series, the first mortal to gain magic was Dr. Curtis Williamson, who received the powers of the Charmed Ones when their blood was accidentally injected into his system.
- The Charmed Ones overloading the glove with the Power of Three was similar to Leo overloading Lord Dyson with rage.
- The contamination of the black amber led to a virus, which affected all members of the magical community. This was the plot of the episode "Hulkus Pocus", in the original series, in which a Virus, created by the American government in an attempt to grant demonic powers to human soldiers, begins infecting members of the magical community.
- The list Harry looked through included a golem, a Nymph, a Harpie, a Giant, a Manticore, and a Succubus. These are creatures that have appeared at least once in the original series.
Production Notes[]
- The episode was watched by 0.42 million U.S. viewers.
- This was supposed to be the twenty-first episode of the second season but due to the COVID-19 pandemic forcing production to shut down, the episode wasn't able to be filmed.
- Instead, this episode became the second episode of the third season.
- The episode aired exactly one year after the premiere of Dance Like No One is Witching.
Maggie: How did you do it, when you were in Afghanistan? How did you prevent yourself from panicking when there was death everywhere?
Jordan: Don't focus on the future. Just focus on the task in front of you. Breathe. Stay in the moment.
Maggie: Stay in the moment.
Macy: Earbugs, magical headphones. I really should patent these.
See Also[]
Season 3 Episodes | |
"An Inconvenient Truth" ▪ "Someone's Going to Die" ▪ "Triage" ▪ "You Can't Touch This" ▪ "Yew Do You" ▪ "Private Enemy No. 1" ▪ "Witch Way Out" ▪ "O, The Tangled Web" ▪ "No Hablo Brujeria" ▪ "Bruja-Ha" ▪ "Witchful Thinking" ▪ "Spectral Healing" ▪ "Chaos Theory" ▪ "Perfecti Is the Enemy of Good" ▪ "Schrodinger's Future" ▪ "What to Expect When You're Expecting the Apocalypse" ▪ "The Storm Before the Calm" ▪ "I Dreamed a Dream…" |