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Swan is an Asian woman who works at SafeSpace, Seattle.


Throughout the Series[]

In "Safe Space", Swan is seen taking a group of people on a tour around SafeSpace, Seattle. Mel and Maggie Vera work together to swipe her card and sneak into the Command Center located in a restricted area of SafeSpace.

In "Things to Do in Seattle When You're Dead", Swan is seen opening the center and greets Mel and Maggie. An irritated Mel walks past her with a bad attitude.

In "Careful What You Witch For", an upset Swan tells Maggie about the sudden changes of the card system, because more than a few cards had gone missing and someone had been stealing stuff from SafeSpace, making the employers decide to disable the cards except for those with managerial positions.

In "Deconstructing Harry", Swan shows a newly-promoted Maggie to her new office, calling it a "creative cocoon," and gives her her first assignment.

In "The Truth about Kat and Dogs", she tells Mel about Katrina Chandra's leave of absence.

In "When Sparks Fly", Swan is seen hosting the staff party, enjoying Jordan Chase's duet with Maggie.

In "Guess Who's Coming to SafeSpace Seattle", TBA

In "Curse Words", Swan attended Jordan's 26th birthday party at SafeSpace. Afterward, she was possessed by Florence, who wanted to kill Jordan. Eventually, Jordan decided to return Florence's ring to her, and this act and the words of Maggie were able to calm her anger. She then left Swan's body, leaving Swan with no memory of being possessed with the cover story that she got wasted during the party. Jordan takes Swan home.

In "Unsafe Space", Swan catches a construction worker placing security cameras in the walls of SafeSpace. She considers this a violation of privacy and takes a photo. She sends the photo to all SafeSpace employees, including Maggie.

In "An Inconvenient Truth", TBA

In "Someone's Going to Die", Swan tearfully toasts Julian Shea, who had passed away along with his aunt Vivienne Laurent.

In "Yew Do You", TBA

In "Spectral Healing", TBA

In "What to Expect When You're Expecting the Apocalypse", Swan and some other employees are discussing a problem: the Shea Group has cut the power to SafeSpace as a way to force them out. Swan tries to ask Macy for help, but she says she is busy, much to Swan's annoyance. Jordan offers to help with legal issues. Moments later, Macy Vaughn and Harry Greenwood find Swan and the other employees unconscious on the floor. When Swan comes to, she tries to tell Macy what she saw but her voice starts to cackle and she starts to have a seizure along with the others. Eventually, she becomes fully infected and knocks Harry unconscious. Macy subdues her momentarily until Harry knocks her out with a Dreamless Sleep Potion. At the end of the episode, Maggie has a vision and sees "Jordan" scratching everyone, with Swan trying unsuccessfully to defend herself.

In "The Storm Before the Calm", Swan is contained in the Command Center. She tries to break out to no avail. Maggie touches the containment spell keeping her trapped and experiences a vision of the Whispering Evil going to a local water plant to infect the entire city through the water system.

In "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Sandwich", it turns out that Swan has been dating Ruby for two months.

In "Cats and Camels and Elephants, oh my…", TBA

In "Unveiled", Ruby is on the phone with Swan who is visiting her brother in New York City.


Swan appears to be a quirky awkward woman.

Physical Appearance[]

Swan is a woman of Asian descent. She has a tiny build, and uses glasses.


  • Swan's username on TikTok is @ItsaSwanderfulLife.[2]



