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Charmed Wiki

Three sisters... The first Charmed Ones... Stood up against him using the Power of Three!
— Description from the Legend of the Conqueror[src]

The Charmed Ones, also known as the Chosen Ones[2], are a chosen sisterhood of three witches who are among the most powerful witches to have ever existed. They are dedicated to protecting innocents, such as other witches and mortals, and vanquishing evil, most commonly demons. The magical bond between the sisters is known as the Power of Three, which is one of the most powerful forms of magic. It is represented by the ancient symbol known as the triquetra. Despite the Power of Three being a very great and useful source of power, every incarnation of Charmed Ones throughout history has met their tragic end in the event known as the Day of the Fall with the untimely death of one of the members due to the original sin of the first Charmed Ones, unable to handle the consequences of carrying such powerful magic.

The first incarnation of "The Charmed Ones" was formed ten thousand years ago and consisted of Ishta, Inara, and Ishani, who willingly chose to become charmed by drinking from the Unity Bowl in order to defeat the first Conqueror. When Ishta and Ishani entombed a power-hungry Inara alive, the act of betrayal destroyed the sisterhood, and the Power of Three punished them and created a vicious cycle of destruction for generations of Charmed Ones to come.

The current incarnation of "The Charmed Ones" was formed in early 2022, six months after the tragic death of Macy Vaughn, and consists of Melanie Vera, Michaela Danso, and Margarita Vera. Together, these three women battled the Tallyman, the conspiracy group known as the Unseen, and Inara.


It would seem that in order to become charmed, each sister in their respective generation has to have the same initials in their first names as her sisters and each of them has to have an active witchly power. It is also possible to become a Charmed One through blood magic by having a stem cell transplant of one of the sisters in their system, even if the sister in question was a mortal first, however, the circumstances have to be right for a magical awakening and who you are as a person. To unlock the Power of Three, each of them has to unanimously accept their destinies as witches together. If they choose not to accept their Charmed destiny, the Power of Three would shift to another chosen sisterhood.

Their bond is represented by the symbol triquetra. From the moment they might have accepted the Power of Three, their sisterly bond would be tested, and they would either survive the cycle of the Destruction of the Sisterhood or fail, resulting in the untimely death of one of them and the loss of the Power of Three in the current generation. Once a sisterhood was gone, a new one would be chosen. This continued as an endless cycle for eons, starting with the first sisterhood over ten thousand years ago, as a result of the curse cast on them by the very magic that empowered them as a punishment for betraying the sisterhood. To prevent the cycle from ever happening, each generation would have to form an emotional bond that holds no secrets, resentment or words unspoken and be ultimately willing to sacrifice their own lives for one another in a life-long sacrifice which would be powerful enough for them to bear the Power of Three permanently. Also, at least in one instance, whenever casting the Power of Three Spell, their palms would be covered with triquetras. It is also known that if there is any discord between them, the Power of Three will be weakened (to the point it can even be rendered unusable, if said discord is intense enough) until the sisters resolve the issues at hand. It is also known that if one of the Charmed Ones becomes another creature altogether, such as a demon, the remaining sisters will lose their connection to the Power of Three, preventing the cycle from overtaking them. If another sisterhood has not yet been anointed, there are still ways to restore the Power of Three in current generation by having the deceased Charmed One resurrected through Blood Magic. Another way to restore the Power of Three is by drinking from the Unity Bowl and redoing the ceremony that created it originally.

The Charmed Ones are viewed as a magical royalty, the most important beings in the magical world, the reigning elite. Despite their magical attributes, the Charmed Ones are still human first. Also, despite being exceptionally powerful, there were still few forces with enough power to rival that of the Charmed Ones, including Fiona Callahan, likely due to her role as the Keeper of the Sacred Flame/Steward of the Source of All Evil, which was believed to be actually the source of all of magic itself, and Inara, the middle of the first Charmed Ones. They are also apparently the only ones who can match someone with the power of the Source.


The O.G. Sisterhood[]

... It's our story. In a language I figured you'd understand best... After he tried to steal all the world's magic for himself, an ultimate weapon was needed to fight back. So the nine original tribes came together and gave up their remaining power. It was their collective magic that created the Power of Three. And knowing only a trio of witches would be strong enough to hold all that power, they asked us to drink of the bowl, making us the first Charmed Ones. After we defeated him, the three of us no longer had a shared purpose. We had chosen to be Charmed Ones, but we had never chosen to be sisters. So when the battle was over, we drifted apart... That's when Inara wanted to release the Conqueror's stolen power back out into the world. To put magic everywhere. But Ishta and I knew it was too risky. The temptation would always be there for another Conqueror to rise up. That's why we put it all in one place and hid it away, where no one would find it... Anyway, the argument tore us apart. Inara grew to hate us. She wanted to take on all that power and fix things as a "benign" Conqueror. But we knew where that would lead. So Ishta and I made the hardest decision of our lives... We sealed her up in a tomb in the Akhatu Mines, where she wouldn't be a threat to us or the world... We thought we had no choice. But the magic that empowered us, it punished us for destroying the sisterhood. Ishta was bound to the Tree to serve as Guardian to future Charmed Ones, and I was left to wander the Earth alone for all eternity. This original sin, the Day of the Fall, it's also why every sisterhood since has been doomed to be destroyed. Even when they are bound by blood. But this time I couldn't watch from the sidelines. I thought maybe, if I could somehow get through to you, she could be stopped... After spending all that time alone in a tomb, Inara's grown even more hateful. Her dream of sharing magic has warped into something terrible... And she's going to get out tonight unless you and your sisterhood can stop her.
Ishani telling the origin story of the Charmed Ones to Kaela Danso[src]

Ten thousand years ago, during the time of either the 8th or 9th Millenium B.C.[3], when magic was everywhere, three unrelated witches named Ishta, Inara & Ishani were born. At some point, the original nine clans of magic, including mermen, hobgoblins, elves, gremlins, Loveland frogs, lamias, trolls, leprechauns, and pixies, came together to fight the first Conqueror, a power-hungry mortal who wanted to steal all magic for himself. The clans created a powerful artifact known as "the Bowl of Unity" and each creature poured its remaining power into the bowl to forge an unprecedented ultimate power that would be able to defeat it. Knowing it was too much for one being to handle and only witches could bear such power, they asked Ishta, Inara & Ishani to drink from the bowl. The magic turned them into the first Charmed Ones, splitting the power between the three of them to create the Power of Three.[4] It can be presumed that it was around this time that the Power of Three Spell was created. As a fail-safe in the event where the Power of Three failed to stop the Conqueror, they also created a Nebron Root Bomb to destroy his magic by destroying all magic and every magical creature in what would be considered the Mercy Days, though they managed to defeat him without resorting to the bomb. The first Conqueror and the first Charmed Ones were remembered in legend when the battle was won. However, Charmed Ones also drifted apart as they no longer had a common purpose, for while they chose to become charmed, they never chose to be sisters.

Eventually, Inara wanted to restore all the stolen power of the Conqueror, to put magic everywhere once again like before the Conqueror rose. Ishta and Ishani disagreed, knowing it would continue to create temptation for another Conqueror to rise. So, they combined the power in one place and hid it so no one could find it, thus creating the Source of All Evil. However, the argument tore the Charmed Ones apart, with Inara growing power-hungry and wanting to take on the Source's power for herself to create a better world, which resulted in Ishta and Ishani entombing her alive south of Baghdad in the Akahtu Mines, at the cost of betraying their sisterhood and creating a vicious cycle of destruction. As a further punishment for this act of betrayal, Ishta was bound to the Black Amber Tree to serve as its guardian in hopes of meeting future Charmed Ones to help them break the cycle, while Ishani was cursed to wander the Earth alone for all eternity, watching events play out from the sidelines.[4]

Both Ishta and Ishani were deeply traumatized by what they had done to Inara and actually harbored a great deal of guilt and regret over it, as well as what it had done to their sisterhood, but they both refused to admit it, blaming each other and an entombed Inara for their sisterhood's failure. It constantly haunted Ishani, leading her to drown her sorrows in sex, booze, and bowling (which she claimed to have invented).

Charmed Legacy[]

Since then, new Charmed Ones were born and chosen to wield the Power of Three when they were needed to protect the world from destruction. However, even if they were bound by blood, every generation of Charmed Ones ended in the destruction of their sisterhood, where one sister died as a consequence, meeting their end through either the weight of the Power of Three or being killed in the midst of battle. It seemed that no sisterhood throughout history had managed to form an emotional bond strong enough to break the cycle. Every sisterhood throughout history has had fatefully the same initials in their first names.

No matter the time, the place or the realm, generations of the Charmed Ones to come had continued to suffer the destruction of their sisterhoods.

Despite putting the collected power in the Source, new Conquerors had risen with the same goal, only to be stopped by the new Charmed Ones.[5]

At some point, albeit through unknown circumstances, before the time of the 18th Millenium B.C., one (or some) of the incarnations of the Charmed Ones unsuccessfully struggled with the Whispering Evil with the help of the Power of Three, until it was imprisoned within the Tomb of Chaos by the magical duo, the Perfecti.[6]

... We have to destroy the Charmed Ones! Just like we did in the past.
Aladria recaling to Mo of their past.[src]

At some point, an unnamed sisterhood of witches were born, rose to power and became the new Charmed Ones. Eventually, these three battled the Perfecti using the Power of Three. Though the witches were able to lock the duo up and put them in a slumber inside the tomb dimension of their own making, the Perfecti also had a golem bring about the end of that sisterhood, though it is not specified which of them died during this battle.[1]

With the rise of the Elders and the formation of the Command Center, a list began to be made of the names of each passing sisterhood of the Charmed Ones in the coven's magical tome, the Book of Elders. The names of those who passed away were always written last and in red. The Lee sisterhood of Esther Lee, Eliza Lee & Eve Lee were the first sisterhood whose names were written into the book, following the death of Eve Lee.

Some of the many incarnations of Charmed Ones were put by Ishta through a test to "speak the unspoken" in order to try and help them break the cycle. Placing the Command Center into lockdown, those tested were surrounded by deadly laser beams in some kind of "escape room" and forced to reveal to each other the innermost secrets that they wouldn't even admit to themselves in order to "unlock their way."

Around 2006-2007, a Charmed One from an alternate reality, presumably Phoebe Halliwell but never directly stated, used her powers to create the Infinite Home Video, recording every possible version of this world's history on various tapes, as, for some reason, she knew that her world and the Vera-Vaughn-Danso world were connected somehow, and that the tapes would be important.

The Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones[]

Early Life[]

Dearest Prima: I need you to know this. I have not abandoned you. Or at least not without a reason. I've had a vision of three daughters and who those daughters will become. So I must take The Book of Shadows for their safety and leave Puerto Rico for yours.
Marisol Vera's message to her cousin, Marisa.[src]

In Puerto Rico during or before the 1980s, a young witch named Marisol began having premonitions informing her that her future daughters would become the Charmed Ones. This led Marisol to steal her family's Book of Shadows and leave Puerto Rico in order to keep her family safe and ensure that her future daughters would have what they needed. She eventually made home in Hilltowne, Michigan.

In the year 1990, Marisol became pregnant by her mortal lover, Dexter Vaughn. Over the course of her pregnancy, Marisol began to feel that there was something wrong, one day even expressing these feelings to a friend. Marisol's worries were confirmed when their baby, Macy Vaughn, was stillborn.

Determined to save the life of their child, Marisol came up with a plan to reunite the pieces of the Scythe of Tartarus in order to free a Necromancer from Tartarus, knowing this was a violation of the Elders rules. After successfully reassembling the scythe, Marisol used it to summon a Necromancer named Knansie from Tartarus to resurrect Macy. Knansie's ritual worked but there was a great cost: the three could spend only the following two years as a family, but when those two years were through, Macy and Marisol could never see each other again or Macy would die.

Desperate to not lose her daughter a second time but having no other alternative, Marisol let Dexter take Macy when the time came, although they still remained in contact by sending letters for years. During their two years together, she bound Macy's powers. However, the experience of having to leave her child was still too traumatizing, leading her to ask fellow Elder, Charity Callahan to cast an anguish spell to help her feel better, which she did despite not knowing why.

A couple of years later, Marisol met a man named Ray Vera, who became the father of her second child, Mel Vera. Eventually, Marisol and Dexter met up again in secret and ended up conceiving Maggie Vera. Despite his love for Marisol, Ray knew that her heart belonged to another and he abandoned the family on Maggie's fifth birthday.

After Maggie entered college, Marisol knew something was coming for her daughters. This lead to Marisol trying to get the sisters to reunite, by secretly arranging for adult Macy to come back to Hilltowne. One night, Marisol began the process of unbinding their powers but was interrupted by the arrival of her friend Charity. As Charity continued to question Marisol, she told her the truth of the revival of her eldest daughter. Charity, however, didn't believe it was safe, considering Macy was a Charmed One tainted by dark magic. This led her to try and stop Marisol, but when begging didn't work, Charity killed her. However, Marisol was able to finish the spell with her dying breathe.

Becoming the Charmed Ones[]

Three months after Marisol's ultimate demise at the hands of Elder Charity Callahan, Macy moved to town and discovered her family. When she went to meet her sisters, their powers unbound. Harry Greenwood, their Whitelighter, explained the situation and told them to decide whether to accept their destiny as witches within the next forty-eight hours. The dangers of magic were soon revealed when Maggie's ex-boyfriend, Brian, was possessed by a demon. However, they were easily able to vanquish the demon and save a confused Brian. After some further bonding and much consideration, the sisters unanimously agreed to accept their new fate, becoming the Charmed Ones and vanquished their first demon together with the Power of Three.

The sisters quickly went under tutelage by Harry, while also battling demons who seek to unleash chaos on the world. Macy soon learned the truth about her resurrection, while also struggling with her growing demonic attributes and powers. She entered a relationship with Galvin Burdette, who later left in search of a cure for Macy's darkness. Maggie entered a complicated relationship with Parker Caine, a half-demon whose father, Alistair Caine, and half-brother, Hunter Caine, wished to use to unleash the power of the Source of All Evil. Mel quickly learned the consequences of magic when she had to alter history in order to save her girlfriend, Niko Hamada, from a powerful demon, making it so that the two of them had never met. She soon was tasked by the Elders to infiltrate the Sarcana, a rebel coven of witches who did not follow the rules of the Elders, when a mysterious Whitelighter and witch hybrid, later revealed to be Jada Shields, stole the Scythe of Tartarus and used it to release the imprisoned witch and sister of Charity, Fiona Callahan, from Tartarus. Mel later became enamored by the Sarcana and began a relationship with Jada. The sisters soon learn that Fiona is the Keeper of the Sacred Flame, a primordial source of power that is actually the source of magic itself.

During Christmas 2018, Alistair had his sons attempt to steal the powers of the Charmed Ones using a magical amulet. Ultimately, Parker betrayed his family, assisting the Charmed Ones in banishing Hunter to Tartarus, but Harry was also, unfortunately, sucked down into the hellish prison. Soon after, the sisters were able to rescue Harry and fend off Alistair, who had come to retrieve his son, causing him to flee. Soon after, Maggie and Parker found a Vortex Viribus, a magical location capable of supercharging a witch's powers, underneath the manor. Around this time, Alistair began mesmerizing Maggie's friend, Lucy, to do his bidding, even going as far as having her poison Parker with a demonic virus. However, this was later cured through treatments.

Eventually, one of Macy's demon powers was able to reveal the truth about Marisol's death, ultimately resulting in Charity being stripped of her powers by the Charmed Ones using the Vortex Viribus. However, she was taken by Alistair before she could be imprisoned in Tartarus. As punishment, the Elders stripped Harry of his powers. After Harry's powers were stripped, he began to rapidly age and would soon die, which devastated the Charmed Ones. In order to provoke the Elders, the sisters attempted to use magic in public, which caused the three of them to be summoned by the council. The trio begged to no avail with the Elders to restore Harry's powers before being teleported back to the manor. Mel broke up with Jada and left the Sarcana when she or the coven wouldn't help Harry.

Soon after, Harry was taken by Fiona who used the Vortex Viribus to restore his youth and Whitelighter status. Fiona then took Harry as her captive, forcing him to heal her as she massacred the Sarcana and attempted to scan his mind in search of the Origin Dagger, a dagger that can control the Sacred Flame and can be used to become the Source of All Evil. Meanwhile, the Charmed Ones were given a new Whitelighter, Tessa Flores-Cohen, who was decidedly unimpressed with the sisters’ abilities and not afraid to be snarky about their shortcomings. Galvin returned from his journey and was briefly possessed by a demon before his relationship with Macy came to an end when she decided to embrace her darkness and he could no longer endure the trauma.

Eventually, Fiona tracked down the Origin Dagger to an old tomb. Using Tessa's connection to track down Harry and Fiona, the sisters were able to rescue Harry and fend off the evil witch with the Power of Three. However, Tessa was killed in the battle protecting Mel. Meanwhile, Alistair used Charity to break his son, Hunter, out of Tartarus. After Hunter's return from Tartarus, he took the form of Parker's mother, to convince Parker that he had killed his mother. Later, Hunter took the form of Maggie to make Parker succumb to their father's wishes. After Fiona and the Charmed Ones left the tomb, Alistair arrived and obtained the Origin Dagger, which he then used to transform Parker into a vessel for the Source.

Despite now being a free Whitelighter with no connection to the Elders, Harry ensured the Charmed Ones that he would remain their Whitelighter. However, when more Elders were killed, the sisters and Harry were forced to put aside their differences with the Elders to stop the prophecy of the apocalypse from being completed. The Charmed Ones and Elder Silver then came up with a plan to lure out the killer. As if their problems weren't bad enough, with the continued usage of her demonic powers and Elder Bari's needle, Macy's darkness soon began to take over more often. She was able to use her demonic side in to strip Fiona of her immortality, but eventually, she attacked Mel which caused her to come to her senses and break the needle. When the remaining Elders came together as planned, they were ambushed by a power-boosted Hunter Caine with each of them being killed except for Elder Silver, who managed to escape with the Charmed Ones.

Macy wanted to use her Evil Sight to find out how Hunter became so powerful, but Mel and Maggie refused to let her as her dark side was becoming evidently more powerful. Mel was about to break Elder Bari's needle before Macy angrily flung her to a wooden beam. Her eyes and voice turned demonic as she told them to stop holding her back. When she snapped out of the anger, she realized what she had done and broke the needle to stop herself from using the Evil Sight again. Maggie helped Mel to the sofa in the book nook, where Marisol used to have them sit together, saying it was a place that would bring their sisterhood together. Maggie then saw some books on the bookshelf that had the same stars and moon drawings she had been doodling lately. By turning all three, a door opened to a basement where they were greeted by a hologram of Marisol who bestowed an Empathic Staff to Maggie to help her hone her emotions into a weapon; a pair of daggers and a Time Bracelet to Mel to help her speed up her movements against an enemy who cannot be frozen. While she had no gifts for Macy, she told her that her father gave her a pendant when she turned ten as a symbol of balance between two sides and every time she found herself being pulled toward the darkness, all she had to do was touch it and exhale to bring herself back to her sisters, even in her darkest moments. The hologram proceeded to exclaim they were stronger together, their differences were their strengths, and nothing was stronger than their sisterhood, before fading away. Minutes later, they were contacted by Hunter, who threatened to kill Lucy and everyone at a party unless they brought him Elder Silver. Macy, Mel, Maggie, Harry, and Elder Silver proceeded to meet him, and bring them into a pocket dimension where the sisters fought Hunter with their new weapons until they vanquished him, but not before he threw a knife directly into Elder Silver's chest. His body dissolved into dust and started filling the Haunt. Later that night, the bartenders cleaning up after the party came into contact with the dust and fell ill. Meanwhile, Fiona told Charity her plan to wait for Parker to take on the power of the Source before killing him to end all magic. When Charity questioned why she was telling her, Fiona explained that Alastor forgot one important detail: Charity, though powerless, was still a sage, and the prophecy could not be fulfilled unless she died too. Fiona prepared to kill her sister, but Charity managed to get away.

The next day, Galvin called Macy to tell her what was happening to the partygoers and bar staff who were at the party. They realized it was the work of the Harbinger and concluded that Hunter must have been possessed by it and then allowed himself to die so the Harbinger's virus could become airborne and infect more people at once. Worried about the prophecy's fulfillment, the sisters separated to figure out what to do. Macy researched the rat from before which still contained the virus while Maggie went to find Parker. By doing an astral projection spell, Maggie was able to meet with Parker, who proceeded to tell her that Charity was a sage and needed to be protected to prevent the prophecy from coming true. They tracked her down to the Gardens of Latebra, but Parker turned out to have been turned and was leading Maggie to find her all along. Mel and Maggie fought against Parker while Harry brought her to the Vortex Viribus where he attempted to use its magic to make a plant grow at an accelerated rate to cast the Akkadian Smokescreen on Charity to protect her. Unfortunately, Fiona found them and immediately killed Charity. Maggie was kidnapped by Alastor. Meanwhile, Galvin decided to perform the Chiriji to save all the humans infected by the Harbinger's virus. Macy watched in vain as Galvin gave his life to neutralize the infected ones' rampage. However, this did not stop the prophecy. Harry, however, explained that Galvin's sacrifice gave them a fighting chance. Finding their way to the center point, they helplessly watched Fiona ignite the Sacred Flame. However, without her immortality, Fiona died in the process. As the Flame was closing in on Maggie, Parker wanted to take on the Flame and become the Source to save Maggie. Macy, however, took the initiative to take the Origin Dagger out of Parker and into herself and then absorbed all that raw power.

The rest of their Reign[]

Macy briefly took on the power of the Source but later relinquished the power with a spell into her pendant. The pendant was split into three pieces, which the Charmed Ones hid in different corners of the world to prevent it from being reassembled, having Harry wipe their memories for added protection. Soon after, they were approached by other magical beings who chose them to take over governing the magical community in the Elders' stead.

Some weeks later, the sisters were attacked by a powerful hooded assassin, later revealed to be Harry's Darklighter, Jimmy. The Book of Shadows was destroyed in the crossfire, and the Charmed Ones had no choice but to escape through a portal that brought them to the Command Center which stripped their auras as a consequence. This ended up rendering their active powers dormant, but still leaving them access to the basic abilities of a witch. Upon leaving the Command Center, the sisters find that they have been magically transported to Seattle, Washington and quickly learn a lot about communal workspaces.

Macy was revealed to have gained a new demonic power with the loss of her telekinetic abilities when she instinctively tried to defend Mel from a Rat Demon and shot fire at him. This rapidly turned Macy into the "soldier" of the group, due to being the only one with powers. During this time, Mel became extremely frustrated due to the fact that she didn't have active powers and started to study magic in depth and effectively mastered potion making while simultaneously attempting to recreate the Book of Shadows. Maggie, in turn, accepted her role as part of "the B team" as she described it, being the one who provided supplies, money, food and access to the Command Center. She also used this opportunity to learn hand-to-hand combat with Jordan Chase, which proved useful in demon fighting.

After coming in contact with the black amber in Jordan's family ring, Maggie gained a new power that allowed her to see visions of the future. After that, Macy tried on the ring, however, she wasn't able to access her telekinesis, coming to the conclusion that whatever magic the ring possessed had been exhausted when it activated Maggie's power.

After discovering Abigael Jameson-Caine, the demon Alastor's half-witch daughter and half-sister to Hunter and Parker Caine, the sisters learned of the existence of a "Demon Overlord", a powerful demonic figure said to unite the demon world. It quickly transpired that Abigael used the myth of the Overlord to create a place for herself in the Underworld, but she was quickly overthrown and replaced by Parker. Maggie believed this could be useful for the sisters, as Parker's influence could help them end the war between witches and demons.

Parker proposed to Maggie in a bid to show the demon world his truce was genuine, but the night of the wedding, Mel cursed herself to spy on Parker, and learnt it was him who orchestrated the attack on Sacred Grove, and not Abigael as they had been led to believe. To reverse the curse, she had to have a moment of self-reflection, and achieved this by realizing that she wasn't insignificant, she was powerful in her own way and accepted that if she wasn't meant to receive active powers again, she'd still fight as she loved her family and her witch nature.

When confronting Maggie on her knowledge of Parker, Mel was cast out by her own sister for not respecting her choices and spying on her fiancé. Frustrated and enraged, Mel returned to the Command Center and started breaking objects, eventually breaking a piece of a pillar. Here, she discovered the root of an upside down black amber tree, but after trying to use it to regain her powers, she believed it to be ineffective. Later, while fighting Parker after he went mad and tried to force Maggie to marry him, she discovered she had awakened a new power that allows her to manipulate molecules, and unwittingly uses it for the first time to literally freeze Parker.

Macy began experimenting with black amber in hopes of restoring her original power, but each attempt was without success. In an act of hopelessness, believing her demonic powers were displacing her witch powers and preventing access to the Power of Three, she purged her demonic powers with Abigael's help, unaware that Abigael would steal them for herself. Her witchly powers were still "lost", however, and were only restored after they met the Guardian of the Command Center, learned of previous Charmed Ones, and drank from a chalice of pure black amber. This restored her power of telekinesis to a more advanced degree. However, the Power of Three was yet to be recovered, even with the sisters' attempts.

Believing it was safer to not restore the Power of Three, now that they knew of the dangers it possessed to the sisterhood, the sisters were willing to give up the mantle of the Charmed Ones. However, when rescuing a witch from the Faction, they discovered she was a retired Elder, Celeste. Celeste reasoned that the Power of Three was needed if they were to beat the Faction, and, against the sisters' will, forced them into an enchanted sleep to face their fears in an attempt to restore the Power of Three.

But even with this attempt, it took Mel, Maggie, and Macy an encounter with a near-unbeatable magic-infused corpse to realize that they needed the Power of Three, even if there was a risk of it overwhelming them, allowing them to regain the might of the Charmed Ones once again.

The restoration of the Power of Three did bring forth other problems, though. While saving a witch from a group of Carnals, and using the Power of Three to vanquish them, Mel, Macy, and Maggie discovered they had vanquished the son and only heir to the Carnal leader, causing a power-struggle. Abigael, having reclaimed the throne of the Demon Overlord, was flippant at destroying the Charmed Ones, believing them to be useful to her, while Godric, her right-hand man, wanted them gone. This ended up forcing Godric to stage a coup against Abigael so he could claim the throne himself, even enlisting Parker's help to do so. However, Parker decided to help Maggie and her sisters, saving Mel and Abigael before Godric could sacrifice them to take the title of Demon Overlord.

Their struggle against the Faction continues as the enemy has now found new ways to extract magic from supernatural creatures. While on an infiltration mission, Maggie, Mel, and their father Ray expose their identities to the Faction. With the information in mind, the Faction resumes its previous plan of breaking into the Command Center underneath SafeSpace. The place is magically secured and therefore cannot be infiltrated without magic. The Charmed Ones then devise a plan to enter the Command Center without the Faction's attention — by finding a renounced witch and borrowing her marble. Once inside the Command Center, they remove Jimmy from the place.

Macy convinces the Shea Group's CEO, Julian Shea, to help them stop Vivienne Laurent and the Faction. Despite his best efforts, the mission cost him his life. The Charmed Ones then face Vivienne in battle, where they come out victorious — or so it seemed before finding out the Black Amber Tree in the Command Center has been poisoned. If the tree dies, magic and all supernatural beings (including the Charmed Ones) will die. To save the tree and the magical community, the sisters need to reassemble the Source and merge it into the tree, at the cost of their sisterhood. However, they somehow became allergic to magical creatures and one another.

In the months that followed, the sisters tried every spell and potion they could find to cure them of their allergy to no avail. In the meantime, unnamed creatures started coming through rifts in space to wreak havoc on the human world. Harry and Maggie found a mysterious Stone Tablet with markings on. They realized it was all connected when a symbol appeared every time they destroyed a monster. They were later visited by a transgender cousin, Joséfina Reyes, who wanted to use the Book of Shadows their mother stole from the family to activate her powers. By agreeing to work together, Joséfina stayed in Seattle. Macy and Harry found a second stone tablet, which, when brought together, reassembled into one. By reading the inscription, they blew open the rifts to the Tomb of Chaos, allowing hundreds of monsters to come through before a pair of beings known as the Perfecti appeared. They were the ones who created the Tomb and trapped all the creatures. They offered to fix the rift and re-imprison all the monsters, an offer the Charmed Ones gladly accepted. The Perfecti also led the Charmed Ones to an Enchanted Egg, which would have the power to remove their allergy. While it worked, it also granted them a deadly power of wishful thinking, anything they wanted would be given to them at the cost of harmful effects to other people. When they realized this, they returned the Egg to restore everything as they were, including their allergy. Joséfina discovered her power of Chlorokinesis and returned to Puerto Rico to face her family.

Beware. The worst is yet to come.
Aladria foretells Macy Vaughn's death.[src]

When the Perfecti trapped both Abigael Jameson-Caine and Jordan Chase in the Tomb of Chaos, the sisters tried to save them both by presenting Abigael's better character in a trial. The Perfecti, however, still deemed them chaotic and wanted to sentence them both to eternal imprisonment. Coming to a breaking point in their alliance, the sisters turned against the Perfecti and used the Power of Three to save both Abigael and Jordan.

Mel was later attacked by the Perfecti, who implanted an explosive enchantment in her brain to bargain for Abigael's imprisonment in exchange for her life. After placing Mel in an enchanted slumber, Macy and Maggie tried to build a golem with Celeste's help to fight the Perfecti. However, Maggie figured out that this was part of their plan to destroy them. They then devised a new plan to lure the Perfecti into a trap, steal the bloodstone amulets on their necks, and assume control over the golem. Their plan proved successful. The Perfecti reasoned that there was a far more terrible danger coming their way and they would need them to survive it. However, the sisters refused to listen and banished them back into the Tomb. At the same time, Mel dreamt that she was being visited by her future self, who proceeded to transfer her future baby into her past self's womb for protection.

Macy and Maggie traveled to 2026 and found out that the world had come to an end when no humans or magical creatures were left alive after a monster called the Whispering Evil came and infected everyone. They found future Abigael, who was part of Mel's resistance before they were overrun, and Mel had been missing since then. Maggie and Macy took the conspiracy board they found in Vera Manor and were ready to return to the present when they realized the pocket watch that brought them to 2026 was broken and needed to replace a broken piece to return to their time. When they came to the Command Center, they found a possessed Macy, who tried to kill them and narrowly escaped her before going back to the past. Mel, while making Temporal Tea to reverse the rapid aging effects of time travel, discovered her ability to touch magical creatures, meaning her allergy had come to an end.

Macy then extracted fluid from Mel's womb to make a cure. Jordan came back to Seattle after taking a trip back home to get away from the trauma. They later realized Jordan was possessed by the Whispering Evil, who infected Swan and other employees to make them into his soldiers. Though the Whispering Evil escaped, Macy and Maggie managed to contain the infected.

Macy regained her demonic powers from Abigael. By combining her fire power with the Power of Three, they managed to force the monster out of Jordan's body. Mel then froze it and Maggie seemingly destroyed it with her spear. However, they learned the monster had survived.

The Whispering Evil, wanting to get a new host, tried to take over Macy's body. Macy was able to stop its control by drinking toxin, which killed the ancient monster, but its death inside Macy also damaged her body at a cellular level. Despite the efforts of her sisters and Harry, the damage was irreparable. In the end, having come to terms with what had happened, the sisters took the dying Macy to the Guardian, where her soul separated from her body and ascended, becoming part of the magical world.

Six months later, Harry Greenwood added Mel, Maggie & Macy's names into the Book of Elders after the constitution of the Vera-Danso Charmed Ones.

The Vera-Danso Charmed Ones[]

Early Life[]

Kaela Danso was born on December 11, 1995, to the mortal couple, Zephyr and Carolyn Vales, and was left at a fire station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with no known name. She was adopted, named, and raised by a Ghanaian couple, Mr. and Mrs. Danso.

Prior to 2016, Kaela was diagnosed with leukemia, and not responding well to the traditional chemo. Her doctors recommended an experimental treatment which she was accepted into which eventually saved Kaela's life due to Macy Vaughn donating her stem cells during Kaela's cancer treatment, Kaela became a witch with dormant magical powers with her cancer going into remission in 2016-2017.

There is another. She's out there.
— Ishta about the new Charmed One[src]

Sometime between 2021-2022 (presumably after Macy's demise), Kaela started having dreams about Mel and Maggie.

Becoming the Charmed Ones Again[]

In "Not That Girl", Maggie and Mel are mysteriously transported to Philadelphia where they meet Kaela Danso. When they question her about the triquetra symbol on her van, Kaela tries to leave. Maggie grabs her arm, and the touch causes the sky to momentarily fill with lightning. The physical contact is enough to awaken the witch in Kaela and manifest her power of Manifestation. Together, the three of them battle a being from the negative space with the Power of Three to protect them. Kaela, however, is unwilling to part of the magical world and goes back home.

In "You Can't Go Home Again", Harry adds Mel, Maggie, and Macy's names to the Book of Elders. The book magically adds space for Kaela, which Harry is initially reluctant to fill. Maggie later worries about the destruction of the sisterhood overtaking them once again with Michaela, as they couldn't stop it last time with Macy while Mel becomes protective and insistent on everyone embracing the new Power of Three. After saving her friend from a Vittra, Kaela decides to join Mel and Maggie to find out what fate has in store for them. Harry later fills Kaela's space in the Book of Elders.

In "Unlucky Charmed", Harry tries to train Kaela about the magical history, including the history of the Charmed Ones. Later, the Vera-Danso Charmed Ones battle an Unnamed Lamia, but learn that she is not the enemy.

In "Ripples", Maggie and Mel go to a spa named Ripples for a getaway while Kaela stays behind to hold down the fort. The Tallyman strikes at the spa, forcing all three to come together and stop the mayhem. That night, the Tallyman sends a message with doctored videos of the Charmed Ones watching Frank and the lamia die to turn the magical world against them.

In "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Sandwich", a hostage situation occurs in the Blue Camellia when Donnie Hoblinka invades the bar with revenge on the Charmed Ones in mind. Mel accidentally sends Kaela and Maggie through time to 1926, leaving her to deal with the situation with Roxie. Meanwhile, Kaela and Maggie save a woman from being killed and in turn, figure out a way to send a message to Mel, allowing her to bring them back through time and stop the attack.

In "The Tallyman Cometh", the Tallyman sends a music box with a mystical tune that they cannot hear. Mel and Kaela are able to translate the tune with a spell, which leads them to a theater. Maggie uses the Power of Three to receive a vision of hundreds of innocents in a bomb attack. The vision leads them to the Gnome Is Where the Hearth Is Hotel in New York, where they successfully stop the attack with Dev Banerjee's help. The Tallyman blows himself up.

In "Cats and Camels and Elephants, oh my…", the Charmed Ones divide to deal with an upcoming crisis after Maggie receives a vision of Sunny resurrecting a powerful being. Sunny impersonates Kaela's adoptive mother to attack Kaela and cut off her thumb, which she needs for the ritual along with Maggie's hair and Mel's blood. They eventually figure out the location, the time and Sunny's plan. Mel and Kaela stop the ritual while Maggie uses her newfound mimicking power to fend off Sunny. They manage to stop the ritual, but Sunny's quest for resurrecting the monster continues.

In "Unveiled", the Vera-Danso Charmed Ones realize the Unseen are targeting their loved ones when a troll broadcasts a hitlist on them. Mel uses her newfound power of Temporal Displacement to send the Book of Shadows through time to learn how to make Blindaje Dolls to protect the people around them. They are, however, interrupted by Ruby Malone's demon stepfather, Earl. They devise a plan to lure Earl into a trap at the Blue Camellia where they fight alongside Roxie until Earl is finally vanquished. Meanwhile, Maggie and Kaela find the latter's biological parents and manage to extract crucial information about them to make Blindaje dolls for their protection. That night, the sisters lounge in the backyard.

In "Truth or Cares", the sisters are lounging in the backyard after a long day of fighting enemies and being trapped in a minimized church. Maggie sees a mug that Kaela got from when she had cancer. Maggie remembers hearing from Dexter that Macy donated her stem cells to the same experimental project that Dexter participated in. She learned Kaela also participated in the experiment when she had leukemia. They realize then that Kaela became a Charmed One through Macy's stem cells. Maggie states they are chosen sisters, but also real sisters. The three of them joyfully hold hands.

In "Hashing It Out", Mel and Maggie are attacked by members of the Unseen. A blocker has their powers neutralized and placed a containment spell on the entire building to keep them from leaving. Kaela, upon hearing a distress call from Mel, goes to their rescue. With Dev and Jordan's help, they restore Maggie and Mel's powers and battle the Unseen. They suffer a great loss tonight: Dev has given his life to save the Charmed Ones. Kaela in turn kills Sunny out of revenge. That night, she crumbles down in tears when she hears her boyfriend's voice through a magical teapot. Mel and Maggie come to console her.

In "Divine Secrets of the O.G. Sisterhood", after losing her boyfriend, Kaela leaves the sisterhood to escape her pain. On the road, she encounters Ishani, one of the first Charmed Ones, who shows her the history of when they were created. The three witches, Ishta, Inara, and Ishani, were unrelated, unlike those who came after. They first became Charmed when the nine magical clans joined together to empower them in hopes of stopping the first Conqueror. Though they managed to do so with the Power of Three, the loss of a common goal made them drift apart. Inara then wanted to restore magic everywhere like before the Conqueror rose. Ishta and Ishani feared that would give temptation for another Conqueror to rise and decided to place all that power into one place, thus creating the Source. Inara felt betrayed by them. The argument tore them apart. She became power-hungry and wanted to take on all that power to create a better world, but Ishta and Ishani feared what would happen and made a painful choice—they entombed Inara in the Akhatu mines. This act of betrayal enacted the Destruction of the Sisterhood, causing every generation of Charmed Ones to be destroyed. As further punishment, Ishta became bound to the Black Amber Tree to serve as its guardian and guide new Charmed Ones, while Ishani was cursed to wander the Earth alone for eternity.

Meanwhile, Harry learns from an unfamiliar Whitelighter named Diana, that a Charmed One from an alternate world has created Infinite Home Video, a dimension filled with tapes that recorded all events in their world.

Kaela learns from Ishani that Macy's stem cells went to five other people, but none of them developed powers or became Charmed Ones. Ishani concludes that divine forces had chosen Kaela because of her capabilities. She then goes back to her sisters to help them stop Inara, also known as the Lost One, from rising. However, it is too late, and when she drank from the Unity Bowl, the Power of Three is transferred back into her. She smashes the bowl and a strong light engulfs them as the Charmed Ones try to fight her.

In "Be Kind. Rewind.", the world has changed completely. Magical beings now roam the Earth freely while human beings are transformed into trees. No one remembers their time from the past. Mel, Maggie and Kaela are living seemingly happy lives while Inara is celebrated as "the Charmed One". Kaela suddenly remembers her past when she hears Dev's song from the boiling teapot, and subsequently helps Mel and Maggie remember theirs. They try to figure out a way to defeat Inara and fix the world, but she catches on to them. To restore the Power of Three, they make everyone at SafeSpace remember the Tallyman to create a distraction while they sneak into the Command Center. By drinking the tree sap from the Black Amber Tree, their powers are restored. However, Inara is too fast to act and she kills Mel before they have a chance to travel back in time to change it. With all seemingly lost, Maggie mimics Mel's powers; Kaela manifests a video tape recording everything that happened, and Maggie transfers it back to the past. Inara finds them and kills them both. The tape successfully lands in the moment they intended.

In "The End Is Never The End", after watching the tape, Joséfina shows it to Mel and Maggie. Mel intercepts Kaela to convince her to stay while Maggie keeps Jordan from seeing Chloe. Meanwhile, Harry and Joséfina learn from Diana that the Charmed One from her world sensed that whatever is transpiring will destroy both of their worlds and there created Infinite Home Video to help them change it.

The three of them find the troll and manage to take back the Book of Shadows and the new Unity Bowl. Inara had sensed a change in the present and thus decided to enact a new plan: to destroy all magic and everyone that is magical by activating a bomb. Hoping to talk sense into her, Maggie and Jordan found Ishta at a demon boxing club "blowing off steam", uninterested in helping the Vera-Danso sisterhood due to her guilt and regret over her previous actions against Inara, as well as what had become of her own sisterhood as a result. Maggie eventually got Ishta to snap out of it. Meanwhile, Mel and Kaela tracked Ishani down at a bowling alley, drunk and trying to encourage an elderly couple to open their relationship. While she recognized them as the current Charmed Ones, and her attitude was still as peppy as it was in the original timeline where Kaela first met her, she was as uninterested as Ishta was in helping them with Inara, which led to Kaela challenging her to a bowling competition to distract her. Mel eventually got Ishani to snap out of it by hugging her and commiserating with her on the loss of her sisterhood, but also told her that the Vera-Danso sisterhood could help her "get unstuck". After much convincing, they meet up in the Command Center. However, this did not stop Ishani from getting into a heated quarrel with Ishta over who was to blame for their situation with Inara. Their quarrel was cut short by Harry's revelations about Inara's new plan being the Nebron Root Bomb, which rendered them both worried and anxious as they knew what that meant for them and, by extension, all of magic. With no other alternative, Ishta and Ishani watched as the Vera-Danso sisterhood resurrected Inara, who scoffed at her fellow Charmed Ones' sincere apologies and expressed her unwillingness to help, only for the three of them to be told off by the Vera-Danso sisterhood, who were perfectly willing to make the ultimate sacrifice even after Ishta explained that it was the only way to stop the bomb's explosion. Mel even shamed Ishta's, Inara's, and Ishani's legacy as "a sisterhood that ruins the world". With the bomb close to exploding, the Vera-Danso sisters attempt to sacrifice themselves to save the world. At this, the three first original Charmed Ones finally saw sense, and sacrificed themselves to save the Vera-Danso sisterhood and, by extension, the entire magical world, having a spiritual and emotional reconciliation as they did so.

Three months later, a mysterious door with the triquetra symbol materializes in Infinite Home Video. Diana left a note before leaving, inspiring them to step through. The three of them arrive in an alternate world outside of Halliwell Manor. Curious to see what's inside and what is waiting for them, they walk in together.

Powers and Abilities[]

As witches, the Charmed Ones have the two basic abilities of casting spells and brewing potions. The Charmed Ones are capable of performing extraordinary feats of magic, overriding a demonic security system with simplicity and using a Vortex Viribus seemingly instinctively to strip another witch of her powers.[7][8] Being witches, the Charmed Ones are also inherently immune to certain magical abilities and effects (e.g. the sirens' songs and to pixie dust). Being so powerful, the Charmed Ones are afforded a greater resistance to certain mental manipulation; for example, as Macy was a Charmed One, the effects of Charity's memory-wipe were not totally effective on her and the memories kept coming back.[8]

Unique Powers[]

Main article: Category:Charmed Powers

Aside from their basic abilities, each Charmed One possesses separate active powers through their witchly nature which expand and evolve overtime. These powers are linked to each other, which is how their advancements are selected. In addition, a Charmed One may develop other powers by becoming another type of being. For example, Macy developed demonic powers as well, due to the demon blood used during her resurrection, and these witches have also developed spiritual powers after dying and becoming a spirit. In "Safe Space", the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones were stripped of their auras, and as such lost access to their original powers, but Mel and Maggie were able to develop new powers in their stead, while Macy was able to restore her original power in an advanced form. In "Needs to Know", Macy was stripped of her demonic powers, but they were returned to her by Abigael over a year later in "The Storm Before the Calm". According to Macy, no Charmed One throughout history before her had ever had a demonic firepower. Mel's temporal powers were reawakened in "What to Expect When You're Expecting the Apocalypse", because of the hormones due to her pregnancy, previously transferred to her by her future self in "Perfecti Is the Enemy of Good". In "I Dreamed a Dream…", her time powers faded away again when future Mel took her unborn baby back. Despite not obtaining their original powers, Mel and Maggie have been able to develop new powers related to their connection to time and emotion respectively. In "Not That Girl", Kaela's powers and witchly nature were awakened immediately upon meeting Mel and Maggie.

Members Connection Powers Development
Macy Vaughn Space, Demonic and Spiritual Telekinesis, Advanced Telekinesis, Telekinetic Energy Generation, Telekinetic Immobilization, Energy Beam Emission, Pyrokinesis, Pain Resistance, Demonic Translation, Voice Manipulation, Limited Shapeshifting, Flight, The Evil Sight Macy Vaughn/Power Development
Mel Vera Time (and Space) and Matter Temporal Displacement, Molecular Inhibition, Molecular Acceleration, Temporal Stasis, Temporal Acceleration Mel Vera/Power Development
Kaela Danso Space and Manifestation Artistic Conjuration, Artistic Transmutation Kaela Danso/Power Development
Maggie Vera Emotion and Sight Foresight, Hindsight, Emotional Inception, Empathic Mimicry, Empathic Telepathy, Emotional Energy Manipulation, Mediumship, Soul Transference Maggie Vera/Power Development
Ishta Elemental and Spiritual Photokinesis, Technopathy, Flight, Dream Walking
Inara Elemental and Sight Electrokinesis, Voice Manipulation, Clairvoyance
Ishani Space and Manifestation Conjuration

The Power of Three[]

Main article: The Power of Three
Charmed Power of Three 1x22 (1)

The Charmed Ones' Power of Three.

Although each sister is a powerful witch in her own right, the Charmed One's true strength lies in the Power of Three — their collective power, which stems from their bond and connection as sisters. Evidently, there are certain spells that require the Power of Three and cannot be cast by even the most powerful witches, like Charity Callahan. According to Charity, only the Charmed Ones have the Power of Three. When upset at each other and not working together as sisters, the Power of Three is not accessible.[9]

As a result of the Vera-Vaughn sisters having their auras stripped, the Power of Three was rendered dormant for a period of time. After regaining their active powers and learning the history of the Charmed Ones, they were eventually able to reactivate the Power of Three.

When all three sisters are gathered, their powers are united as one. Said to be the most powerful form of magic, the Power of Three is rooted in the Charmed Ones' bond as sisters. It is their love for each other that makes the bond and the magic of each sister stronger. The Power of Three also has its own spell, called the Power of Three Spell.

It is said that no demon or any other magical being can withstand the Power of Three. Although some have come far into the destruction of the Power of Three, either through trickery or some higher source of demonic being, none have succeeded in accomplishing this. Also, carrying the Power of Three had one major consequence: in every generation of Charmed Ones, when the power became too great for them to bear, it would destroy one of the sisters. Furthermore, the Power of Three is too much for one being to handle, and as a result, they will die.


  • Emotions: The Charmed Ones' powers are subject to the influence of their emotional state and may fluctuate according to them. Their collective power (i.e. the Power of Three) is also tied to their sisterly bond, and when not acting as sisters this collective power is unusable.[9]
  • Magic: The Charmed Ones are still susceptible to the powers of magic. This is inclusive of mystical objects such as the Prism of Souls and the Amulet of Archangels.
  • Mortality: Despite their mystical attributes, the Charmed Ones are still human and share many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings (e.g. age, blunt-trauma, decapitation, disease, heart-failure, suffocation, snapped neck, etc.). They can potentially get around these effects through powerful magic, considering Macy was resurrected by the Necromancer Knansie and Inara was resurrected by the Vera-Danso Charmed Ones using an ancient brew.
  • The Destruction of the Sisterhood: Despite the Power of Three being one of their greatest strengths, it is also a burden. The potency of the Power of Three has always been too powerful that overtime one of the Charmed Ones would die and the cycle would restart with the next generation of Charmed Ones. Even if some of the previous incarnations of the Charmed Ones are all alive again, the cycle would repeat itself on them, no matter who died the first time during their lifetimes. There are three known ways for this end to be prevented: loss of their powers, one of the sisters becoming another creature altogether, or the sisters involved form an emotional bond powerful enough to bear the Power of Three permanently.
  • Death of Magic: All witches without exception are tied to the Black Amber Tree. If the tree dies, all magic dies with it, along with the Charmed Ones.
  • Unity Bowl: Being the object that helped grant the original Charmed Ones the Power of Three, the Unity Bowl has the power to transfer that power from its current possessors to whoever drinks from it should a specific ritual have been performed, thereby weakening the old Charmed Ones to create a new Power of Three.

Known Charmed Ones[]

Current incarnation
Previous incarnations

  • Ishta, Ishani & Inara (the first trio)
  • Anne Forbes, Alison Forbes & Ashley Forbes
  • Kara Evans, Kathryn Evans & Kendall Evans
  • Charlotte Parkes, Clara Parkes & Cynthia Parkes
  • Megan Underwood, Mary Underwood & Marisa Underwood
  • Gladys Warden, Goldy Warden & Georgia Warden
  • Nora Bond, Nikki Bond & Noelle Bond
  • Hanna Lord, Hailey Lord & Hazel Lord
  • Winona Adams, Wendy Adams & Whitney Adams
  • Josephine Ives, Juliana Ives & Jaqueline Ives
  • Kelly Martinez, Kayla Martinez & Kathrine Martinez
  • Leona Price, Lily Price & Leah Price
  • Tabitha Montgomery, Taliana Montgomery & Tiffany Montgomery
  • Ray-Ane North, Rhonda North & Rose North
  • Betty, Brielle & Unnamed B. sister
  • Nancy Sanchez, Nir Sanchez & Nicole Sanchez
  • Lucy Stone, Leva Stone & Lisa Stone
  • Jenifer Turner, Julia Turner & Jamie Turner
  • Flora Young, Fifi Young & Fiona Young
  • Amy Gomez, Andrea Gomez & Alexandra Gomez
  • Gina Andrews, Gigi Andrews & Gloria Andrews

Note: It is unknown how many incarnations of the Charmed Ones there were between the first Charmed Ones and the Lee sisterhood, if any. Furthermore, between the Price sisterhood and the Montgomery sisters, there was one unnamed Wright sisterhood. It is unknown how many sisterhoods there were between the Andrews sisters and the Vera-Vaughn-Danso, if any. In "Perfecti Is the Enemy of Good", an ancient incarnation of the Charmed Ones are revealed, though their names are not given either. In "Breaking the Cycle", the Underwood, Warden, Bond & Lord sisters were listed in between the Parkes and the Adams sisters, but in "You Can't Go Home Again", they are listed before the Vera-Vaughn-Danso sisters; it is currently left unexplained. It was also revealed that there are the Charmed Ones in other Universes, but it is not known if they were all subject to the curse. Only one of them was mentioned in the reboot (the creator of Infinite Home Video).


You are the Charmed Ones; the most powerful trio of witches.
Harry to the Vera-Vaughn sisters.[src]

The Power of Three can set you free... Or it can weigh you down.

... Three sisters... The first Charmed Ones... Stood up against him using the Power of Three.
Celeste telling Harry the Legend of the Conqueror[src]

You are the Charmed Ones, the most important beings in the magical world. The reigning elite! Your wishes matter!
Aladria to the Vera-Vaughn sisters.[src]

... We have to destroy the Charmed Ones! Just like we did in the past.
Aladria recalling to Mo of their past.[src]

The Charmed Ones have always been... sisters. It's where we get our strength from.


  • In both the original and reboot series, the triquetra acts as the Charmed Ones' symbol.
  • In the original series, the only Charmed Ones were Prue, Piper, and Phoebe Halliwell, and Paige Matthews. The last sister joined in after the eldest sister was killed by a demon.
    • In the reboot, Macy, Mel and Maggie find out that there have been the other Charmed Ones throughout history. Every generation of Charmed Ones met one end; one sister in their respective sisterhood would die and the cycle would restart in the next sisterhood. Another fact, every generation of Charmed Ones has had the same initials in their first names[10], starting with Ishta, Inara & Ishani.[11]
      • The fact that there had been multiple Charmed Ones throughout history is a somewhat meta-reference to the comics based on the original series, where the Angels of Destiny revealed that if the need was ever great enough and the circumstances dire, Piper or Phoebe's kids might inherit the Power of Three naturally one day and become a great force of good in the world akin to the Charmed Ones.
    • In the original series, the Charmed Ones were descended from their ancestor Melinda Warren, who had three powers; as a result, they each inherited one of her three powers. When Prue, the witch with telekinesis, died, Paige received that power as the replacing witch. In the reboot, the Charmed Ones all have different powers based on their personal characteristics.
  • Unlike the original series, the Veras were given a choice as to whether they become the Charmed Ones, but had 48 hours to decide. The Halliwell sisters from the original show weren't given that opportunity and had to forcefully accept their destiny.
  • Despite obtaining all of their individual powers, the Charmed Ones are required to accept their destiny as witches together to unlock the Power of Three.
  • Similar to Paige, Macy was a witch hybrid due to being resurrected with demon blood at infancy, but unlike Paige, who had angelic powers due to her Whitelighter side, Macy had demonic ones. In the middle of Season 2, Macy willingly gave up her demonic powers in order to regain her witchly powers. However, her demonic powers were restored in Season 3.
  • In the erased dark future of 2026, witches were practically exterminated, as Macy and Maggie saw only a few dots on the map in the Command Center. With Maggie's death only a few years and Macy's transformation prior to this dark timeline, the Vera-Vaughn sisters were obviously the last Charmed Ones.[12]
  • According to Aladria in "Witchful Thinking", the Charmed Ones are the reigning elite, the most important beings in the magical world. This is further reinstated by Donnie Hoblinka in "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Sandwich", when he calls them a "magical royalty".
  • It was revealed in "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Sandwich" that the Charmed Ones do not need to be blood-related sisters, as Kaela Danso is revealed to not be biologically related to Mel and Maggie in this episode. In "Divine Secrets of the O.G. Sisterhood", it was also revealed that the first Charmed Ones were not related by blood either and willingly chose to become charmed by drinking from the Unity Bowl.
    • It is currently unclear how some or all of the following generations of Charmed Ones came to be blood-related sisters, when it did not originate that way.
  • Each of the Vera-Vaughn-Danso sisterhood died at least once, bringing about the destruction of the sisterhood, though their deaths (except Macy's final one) were later prevented before they could come to pass.
    • Mel died once in an alternate timeline after merging the Source with the Black Amber Tree to save the magical world from extinction, bringing about the destruction of the Vera-Vaughn sisterhood. This timeline was erased by the sisters' willingness to give their lives for each other. It is unknown who became the next Charmed Ones in this timeline.
    • In the dark future, Maggie was killed by Abigael Jameson-Caine due to infection by the Whispering Evil. In this alternate timeline, almost all magical beings were destroyed by 2026 and it is assumed that the Vera-Vaughn sisters were the last Charmed Ones in this world. This dark future was erased when the Whispering Evil has been vanquished in 2021.
    • Macy sacrificing herself by drinking a poison and later dying from the consequences of vanquishing the Whispering Evil in the current timeline, bringing about the final and permanent destruction of their sisterhood.
    • After reclaiming the Power of Three in 2023, Mel was fatally injured by Inara, who then proceeded to kill Maggie and Kaela. Maggie managed to temporarily copy dying Mel's temporal powers and sent a cassette tape back in time to warn their past selves of the danger looming ahead.[13]
  • The Vera sisters are seemingly the first Charmed Ones to have suffered the destruction of the sisterhood and carry on being Charmed Ones with a new sister to reconstitute the Power of Three.
    • It is currently unknown if the Vera-Danso Charmed Ones will end up suffering the destruction of the sisterhood or survive it, and which of them might die first.
    • The Vera-Vaughn-Danso Charmed Ones are the first incarnation to have four members and different surnames in their sisterhood.
  • The first Charmed Ones are seemingly the only generation to suffer the destruction of the sisterhood twice.
    • In both cases, Inara died; whereas the first time, she was the one to die in the destruction of her sisterhood which created a vicious cycle for other generations of Charmed Ones to come, the second time, all of the original Charmed Ones died in the destruction of their sisterhood, including a resurrected Inara.
  • It was revealed in "Perfecti Is the Enemy of Good" that an ancient incarnation of the Charmed Ones was destroyed by a golem controlled by the Perfecti, though it was not revealed which one of these sisters had died as a result of the cycle during this battle, if not all.
  • According to Ishta, each trio of sisters passes a sisterhood test to break the cycle.[10] In "Triage", the Vera-Vaughn sisters assumed that their willingness to sacrifice themselves for each other stopped the curse of the Charmed Ones, but in "I Dreamed a Dream…", Macy eventually died anyway and the destruction of the sisterhood took place. Macy then revealed that Ishta meant a life-long sacrifice all along.
  • Some of the previous Charmed Ones were named after nature or some of its aspects, including Flora (meaning nature) & Fiona (meaning vine) Young, Rose (meaning a flower called a rose) North and Margarita (meaning daisy flower) Vera.
  • In the original series, the primary powers of the Charmed Ones were fixed and were predetermined by their ancestor, as they were inherited to them and were prophesied. Even when one of them was replaced (Prue replaced by Paige), the power had to be the same or similar.
    • In the reboot, the Charmed Ones' powers seem to be personal to them, like normal witches and not predetermined by their Charmed nature. This is proven by Macy's replacement Kaela: as Macy's power was telekinesis due to her high IQ, Kaela's is manifestation due to her intellect to art.
  • All of the Vera-Danso sisterhood are of different sexual orientation: Mel is homosexual, Kaela is bisexual, and Maggie is heterosexual.
  • The Vera-Vaughn-Danso sisters are seemingly the first generation to have four Charmed Ones instead of three.
  • In the comics based on the original series, it is explained by Prue Halliwell that if she and her three sisters were to unite, they would be weakened drastically, and it could possibly even cause cataclysmic effects. Prue concludes that the only way for the Charmed Ones to exist is through the Power of Three since the prophecy foretold that each sister would inherit one of three specific powers from Melinda Warren. Since Prue and Paige both had the same power, the balance was tipped against them when they touched each other. Even worse, she was holding them back; the only reason why Billie and Christy could stand against the Charmed Ones was because Prue's death meant that her unfulfilled role in the prophecy of the Charmed Ones, which referred only to Prue, Piper, and Phoebe, bound her to sisters even in death, causing her soul to be torn apart. Though finding Paige did reconstitute the Power of Three, prophecies aren't meant to transfer to anyone else as they are written in stone. As long as Prue still had a connection to the Warren line, she would always be tied to her sisters, stopping them from realizing their full power. Later, after returning from the afterlife in the body of Patience, she stripped her powers to bring the Power of Three back under control.
    • In the reboot, it is currently unknown what would happen if all four Charmed Ones were ever to be united in life, and how it would affect the Power of Three. It is also unknown if the death of one of the sisters would affect the remaining ones and the reconstituted Power of Three.
      • In the case of the Vera-Vaughn-Danso sisterhood, it appears to not be the case. Since Kaela had Macy's stem cells donated during her cancer treatment, she literally became Macy's doppelgänger in the Power of Three, rather than an entirely new Charmed One, thus Macy's death would not affect the Power of Three in the reconstituted sisterhood. However, the attempt to create the Power of Four with Macy, if ever brought back from the dead, would possibly be futile and cause cataclysmic effects, since both Kaela and Macy would have the same powers, if possible at all.
  • The Vera-Vaughn sisters were the Charmed Ones to have had stopped the Apocalypse.
  • In the original series, the names of the first incarnation of the Charmed Ones started with the P initial, while in the reboot, they start with an I initials.
    • Also, whereas the first Charmed Ones in the original series were all white, the first Charmed Ones in the reboot are women of color.
    • Unlike the first Charmed Ones in the original series, the first Charmed Ones in the reboot are not blood-related.
    • Unlike the first Charmed Ones in the original world, the first Charmed Ones in the reboot had powers of (in order of age) Photokinesis, Electrokinesis and Manifestation, while the first Charmed Ones in the original world (in order of age): Prue Halliwell had Telekinesis, Piper Halliwell had Molecular Manipulation, Phoebe Halliwell had the power of Premonitions, and Paige Matthews had Telekinetic Orbing.
    • Also, unlike the original Charmed Ones from the original world, who became Charmed from an ancestral prophecy, Ishta, Inara and Ishani became Charmed from infusing themselves with the combined magic of the original nine clans of magic.
  • Unlike in the original Charmed series, the Charmed Ones shown in the reboot are all women of color, including Ishta, Inara & Ishani, the Charmed Ones destroyed by the Perfecti, Macy Vaughn, Mel and Maggie Vera and Kaela Danso. As we have not seen every single Charmed One to have ever existed in the reboot universe, it is uncertain if this has been the case for all Charmed Ones throughout history.
    • Just like Macy, Ishta was the oldest sister with black skin color.
  • Most of the Vera-Vaughn-Danso Charmed Ones' first names are shortened: Melanie (Mel), Margarita (Maggie) & Michaela (Kaela).
    • In the original, the only one whose name was shortened was Prudence (Prue).
  • The Evans sisterhood has the same last name as Rupert Evans, the actor playing Harry Greenwood and Jimmy. Also, the Turner sisterhood has the same last name as Cole Turner, an ex-husband of a Charmed One Phoebe Halliwell in the original series.
  • Although not officially canon, Carrie Williams theorized that Kaela is the Sister of Space, similar to Macy, since both of their powers occupy physical space.
    • If that is made canon, it can lead to the assumption that the Vera sisters needed specifically a Space witch to replace Macy.
    • However, based on the powers of Ishta, Inara and Ishani used, the connection may not play a role at all, plus the fact that the creation of the Power of Three seemingly had nothing to do with their individual powers. Kaela's connection to Space, if canon, may be just a coincidence or the fact that she gained her magic from Macy's stem cells.
  • It was revealed in "Divine Secrets of the O.G. Sisterhood" that there are Charmed Ones in another world. This is not directly stated, but heavily implied to be referring to the world in the original series. Diana told Harry Greenwood that she was a Whitelighter, but they weren't from the same world, and that the Infinite Home Video was created by a Charmed One from another world with the power of premonition. According to Joey Falco, this witch was Phoebe Halliwell, though she is never directly mentioned in-universe. In "The End Is Never The End", the Vera-Danso sisters find a door within Infinite Home Video emblazoned with their signature triquetra and are transported onto the front porch of the Halliwell Manor when they open the door.
  • The final episode of the series, "The End Is Never The End", contradicts various information previously given about the first Charmed Ones and some of their successors.
    • It is stated that the first Charmed Ones had been around 10,000 years ago. However, in season 3, it was revealed that an ancient incarnation of the Charmed Ones went up against the Whispering Evil. It unclear how this could've happened if it got locked up in the Tomb of Chaos by the Perfecti over 20,000 years ago, and the first Charmed Ones had not appeared yet by then.
    • Also, Ishta was presented in season 2 and 3 as a guardian spirit connected to the Black Amber Tree and the Command Center. However, in the final episode, this is seemingly retconned as she is able to roam the physical world and is apparently no longer a spiritual being.
  • According to Joey Falco, if they had a chance to do Season 5 of Charmed, they would like to introduce a third additional dimension, besides the dimensions of the reboot and the original Charmed series, the Vera-Danso and the Halliwell-Matthews sisterhoods, where the Charmed Ones of this universe would be males. This would represent the number 3 once again, as there would be three sets of three Charmed Ones living in three separate universes.
    • The Halliwell-Matthews Charmed Ones were all blood related to each other and the only Charmed Ones in their universe and their origin was derivative of their ancestor, Melinda Warren. The Vera-Vaughn-Danso Charmed Ones were not the first in their universe and they were not always related by blood and their origin was set forth by the original nine clans of magic. It is unknown what the connection between the three male Charmed Ones would be, as the only known difference is that they would be male.
    • They could be considered as a counterpart to the Rowe Coven, three warlock brothers destined to become the evil Power of Three in the world of the original series. However, that's not accurate enough, as they haven't been described as dark beings or rivals to the Charmed Ones. However, it has been stated, that through them, the writers would pass their message, as to why men should not be trusted with power.
  • All three sisters of the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones have had a power that connects to visions/the Sight. Maggie with her power of Premonitions, Macy with her demonic power, the Evil Sight, and Mel with her temporal power which allows her to send her consciousness in another time.
    • Kaela also used to have dreams of things relating to her new witch life, before she met Mel and Maggie. However, as it was not explored, it is unclear if that was a power of her own or a higher power drawing her to them.
  • In the original series, the Stillman sisters, three evil witches who all have an "M" initial, steal the Charmed Ones' powers and identities. Holly Marie Combs, the actress of Piper Halliwell, who had always opposed the reboot, once made a joke of this fact when she discovered that the Vera-Vaughn protagonists would also have the "M" as their initials. In 2022, after the conclusion of the reboot, Curtis Kheel (one of the original writers and producers) posted on his Twitter account that when the Vera-Danso sisters entered the Halliwell Manor they were vanquished by the Halliwell sisters. However, this statement was a snide comment rather than a fact. His Twitter account was later deleted along with the post.


