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The Sisterhood of the Traveling Sandwich is the fifth episode of the fourth season of Charmed and the sixty-fourth episode of the series overall. It aired on April 8, 2022.
LOST IN THE PAST – As Mel (Melonie Diaz) works to regain control of her powers, a conspiracy theorist hobgoblin threatens the lives of everyone at the Blue Camellia. But when Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) and Kaela (Lucy Barrett) step in to help save the present, they end up getting the past. Also starring Rupert Evans and Jordan Donica.
Main Cast[]
Recurring Cast[]Guest Cast[]
Magical Notes[]
- Filiation Frame Incantation
- Used by Kaela, Mel and Maggie to reveal Kaela's biological parents.
- Maggie's Alarm Spell
- Used by Maggie to set an alarm to get Mel's attention.
- Sunny's Candle Hex
- Used by Sunny, off-screen, to hex the Blue Camellia's candles and prevent anyone from being able to leave the club. If a candle was blown out, instead of the patron smoking out of the club as usual, they would be incinerated.
- Egyptian Nightshade
- Used by Maggie to make Sunny and Donnie fall asleep. Although extinct in the present, Maggie was able to retrieve some from 1926 after being sent back in time by Mel.
- Glamours
- Used by Maggie, off-screen, to turn her and Kaela's outfits into ones of the 1920's.
- Advanced Incineration: Used by a candle, hexed by Sunny, at the Blue Camellia, to incinerate and kill a being, after being blown out by Roxie.
- Arousal Inducement: Used by Camellia in the 1920's Blue Camellia, through her dancing, accidentally makes a male magical being get up and rip open his shirt.
- Claw Extension: Used by Sunny to shoot a claw at Roxie, impaling her in the chest, and then Sunny was able to regenerate the claw.
- Healing: Used by Jordan to attempt to heal Donnie's cut, and later heal Roxie's chest wound off-screen.
- Temporal Displacement: Used by Mel to practice her power by sending a sandwich back in time and peering through time to bring it back to the present. Later, she used her power to send Maggie and Kaela ten minutes into the past, accidentally sending them to 1926, and look back ten minutes without finding them. Eventually, when she realized the exact time they were in, she looked back and brought them back to the present.
- Voice Manipulation: Used by Roxie when she yelled at Mel for touching a bottle of perfume.
- Annihilation Quartz: Used by Donnie in attempt to kill the Charmed Ones while holding the Blue Camellia patrons hostage.
- Filiation Frame: Used by Kaela, Mel, and Maggie to reveal Kaela's biological parents.
- GemCasts: Used by Donnie to repeatedly read news and gossip about the Charmed Ones' supposed misdoings.
- Power Cuffs: Two of these fell out of the Vittra's bag after Kaela chopped of one of Seymour's tentacles with a sword. Maggie gave one to Camellia, while Kaela used one in order to draw without manifesting anything.
- Surveillance Spider: Used by the Tallyman to spy on the Charmed Ones.
- Vittra's Bag: The Vittra uses the bag to release Seymour's deadly tentacle to attack Camellia.
- The episode title is a reference to the 2005 film, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
- Maggie makes a reference to Kristen Stewart.
- The magic game Elvin Poker has been introduced.
- Maggie and Kaela travel back in March 3, 1926.
- The song they perform on stage, "Lady Marmalade", was chronologically released only in 1974.
- Jordan Chase, Harry Greenwood, Roxie and Ruby return in this episode. They were last seen in Unlucky Charmed.
- The Vittra and Seymour return in this episode. They were last seen in You Can't Go Home Again.
- Swan returns in this episode. She was last seen in The Storm Before the Calm.
- Rita and Nita return in this episode. They were last seen in The Source Awakens.
- The Tallyman is mentioned. He was last seen in Ripples.
- Frank and Unnamed Lamia were mentioned. They were last seen in Unlucky Charmed.
- Marisol Vera is mentioned. She was last seen in Spectral Healing.
- Dexter Vaughn and Ray Vera were mentioned. They were last seen in Don't Look Back in Anger.
- Choochi is mentioned. He was last mentioned in Don't Look Back in Anger.
- It becomes known that Ruby and Swan have been dating for two months.
- According to Kaela, it's been a week since Harry went to Roxie's office and didn't come back, which means it's been a week since the events of Unlucky Charmed.
- It is revealed that Roxie named her club after her wife.
Answered Questions from Previous Episode(s)[]
- Is Kaela a blood relative of Mel and Maggie?
- It turned out that Kaela's biological parents are not Ray, Marisol or Dexter, which makes her not a blood sister for Mel and Maggie. However, it is not known whether she is a distant relative of them or not.
- Will Mel and Ruby be able to repair their relationship?
- Ruby has started dating Swan. As of now, there seems to be no hope.
Unanswered Questions[]
- What happened to Harry while he was gone?
- Who are Kaela's biological parents?
- Will Mel and Roxie start a romantic relationship?
References to the Original Charmed[]
- Maggie and Kaela traveled to 1926. In the original series, Phoebe Halliwell swapped bodies with her past life incarnation who died in 1924.
- Kaela said that she wasn't drawing because she was afraid of accidentally manifesting a dragon that would burn down Seattle. In the original, Piper Halliwell's baby son, Wyatt Halliwell, conjured up a dragon from a television that attacked San Francisco.
- Maggie and Kaela met a muse in this episode. Muses in the original series were invisible, intangible spirits who inspired creativity in their charges.
- Mel and the patrons of the Blue Camellia are held hostage by Donnie. In the original series, Paige was held hostage in a bank and was unable to use magic due to being in front of hostages.
- However, she was able to discreetly orb to her sisters to tell them about the danger she was in when she asked the robber to use the ladies' room.
- After being sent back in the past, Kaela creates a painting, to send a message through time, to Mel. In the original series, after Chris was transported to the future, the sisters wrote a spell for him, to receive, which they placed underneath the floorboard in the attic.
- Kaela and Maggie bring back Egyptian Nightshade with them, from the past. In the original series, Nightshade was a common ingredient for potions.
Production Notes[]
- The episode was watched by 0.36 million U.S. viewers.
See Also[]
Season 4 Episodes | |
"Not That Girl" • "You Can't Go Home Again" • "Unlucky Charmed" • "Ripples" • "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Sandwich" • The Tallyman Cometh • "Cats and Camels and Elephants, oh my…" • "Unveiled" • "Truth or Cares" • "Hashing It Out" • "Divine Secrets of the O.G. Sisterhood" • "Be Kind. Rewind." • "The End Is Never The End" |