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The Tallyman Cometh is the sixth episode of the fourth season of Charmed and the sixty-fifth episode of the series overall. It aired on April 15, 2022.


SING ME A SONG – When a mysterious package arrives on the doorstep of Vera Manor, Mel (Melonie Diaz) and Kaela (Lucy Barrett) must turn to Dev (guest star Kapil Talwalkar) to try and stop the Tallyman's (guest star Jed Rees) deadliest attack yet. Meanwhile, Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) is forced to do court-ordered “anger management” with a very unorthodox therapist. Also starring Rupert Evans and Jordan Donica.




Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Cast[]


  • Paul Lazebhy as Goon 1
  • Garland Chang as Goon 2
  • Stefania Indelicato as Loretta
  • Jak Barradell as Dad Pixie
  • Elizabeth Wainwright as Little Pixie Girl
  • Jenna Hill as Mom Pixie
  • Devyn Dalton as Elf 1
  • Colin Naples as Elf 2

Magical Notes[]


  • Containment Spell
    • Used by Mel offscreen to contain a box from the Tallyman, and later to contain the patient spider before it blew up.
  • The Tongue of Babel
    • An omnilingualism spell used by Mel and Kaela to make themselves able to hear unhearable frequencies.
  • X-ray Spell
    • Used by Mel on the Tallyman's box to see if it was safe to release from the containment spell and open it.


  • Containment Powder
    • Mel tossed a glowing, blueish-turquoise powder on the spider about to explode to create a containment shield.
  • The Tallyman's Explosive Elixir
    • Used by the Tallyman to kill himself.
  • Unknown Cure
    • Mel used it off-screen to neutralize any poison she could get through a spider bite.


  • Emotional Inception: Used by Maggie to calm Ray.
  • Foresight: Used by Maggie to see the people attending the memorial at the Gnome Is Where the Hearth Is Hotel.
  • Healing: Used by Jordan to heal Harry from using his new power.
  • Manifestation: Used by Kaela offscreen to conjure up a bow and arrow.
  • Necromancy: Used by Harry to communicate with Donnie.
  • The Power of Three: Used to augment Maggie's foresight.
  • Vocal Charisma: Used by Dev to disable the patient spiders.


  • Blue Camellia Matches: Used by Roxie's goons, and later Mel and Kaela to transport to the Blue Camellia.
  • Book of Shadows ~2021~: Mel flipped through it, looking for The Tongue of Babel.
  • Music Box: The Tallyman sent it as a clue for the Charmed Ones to figure out.
  • Patient Spiders: The Tallyman used them as bombs to kill hundreds of innocents.
  • Summoning Conch: Seen in the Command Center.


Answered Questions from Previous Episode(s)[]

  • What happened to Harry while he was gone?
    • Harry gave up his Whitelighter powers in exchange for the ability to talk to the dead, in hopes of seeing Macy again.

Unanswered Questions[]

  • How did Ray get cursed?
  • Will Jordan be able to help Ray?
  • Who are the Unseen?
  • Why did Sunny take blood from Mel and hair from Maggie?
  • Will Harry be able to talk to Macy with his new power?

References to the Original Charmed[]

  • Kaela asks her adoptive mom for the baby blanket she was found with as an infant. In the original series, Paige had a baby blanket when she was given up at birth with an embroidered "P".
  • Maggie's inability to use her power of Foresight references to when Phoebe was unable to use her own due to being overworked, combined with her guilt about Cole.
  • The sisters helped Maggie enhance her vision through the Power of Three. This was similar to when Piper and Phoebe helped Paige access her telekinetic orbing power with the Power of Three due to her inability to use her voice.
  • Maggie expresses the grief she has been feeling about Macy's death. Piper felt anger for Prue's death which she suppressed and nearly led to her becoming a demon in the episode "Hell Hath No Fury".

Production Notes[]

  • The episode was watched by 0.31 million U.S. viewers.


Maggie: "I'm not gonna do a Trunksie session, Dad."
Ray: "Well, you'd be surprised how cathartic it can be."
Maggie: "Yeah, when I was, like, six."



See Also[]
