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Vera Manor is the home of the Vera Family. It serves as the household setting for Charmed.

Originally residing in Hilltowne, Michigan, the house was portaled away to an abandoned lot in Seattle, Washington when the original Vera Book of Shadows was destroyed in the attic by Jimmy. It was presumably left in Hilltowne to look as if it had burnt down. The manor was cloaked so that no one, except its residents, could see it. After the Faction was defeated, the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones uncloaked the home and revealed it to the world.


The house was considered one of Hilltowne's most prestigious homes. Built in the early 1900s, the home was designated a Heritage building in 1994.

Following an attack by a hooded assassin and the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones' escape through a portal in 2019, the house was relocated to Seattle and cloaked for protection. The house would remain cloaked for the next two years, before finally being uncloaked when the Faction was destroyed, and presumably moved to a more appropriate area in Seattle for the house to reside.


Rooms and Surroundings[]

The Attic[]

Main article: Attic

The attic of the Vera Manor is located presumably on the third floor. It is a large space. Aside from being a typical basic attic used for storage, the attic is also the place the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones use to perform a lot of their magic, and various important events have taken place there, such as when Marisol Vera unbound her daughters' powers and was murdered at the hands of Charity Callahan. The attic is also where the family kept their Book of Shadows.

The attic is where Mel, Maggie Vera, and Macy Vaughn first discovered they were the Charmed Ones by Harry Greenwood, their Whitelighter.

As such, the sisters spend a lot of time in the attic when they need to use magic, research demons or other evil beings, just like in the original series.

Since leaving Hilltowne, Harry now sleeps in the attic.

Macy's Room[]

Macy's room originally belonged to Marisol before she died. The room was left vacant after Macy died.

Mel's Room[]

Mel has her own bedroom within the manor.

Maggie's Room[]

Maggie has her own bedroom within the manor.

Vortex Viribus[]

Main article: Vortex Viribus

Vortex Viribus is a place with a source of immense power. One of these appeared under Vera Manor and was meant for Fiona Callahan.

The Armory[]

The Armory is a secret room located underneath the manor left by Marisol for her daughters, containing their gifts and weaponry.

The Garden[]

The backyard is a garden accessed through the kitchen and the hall in the living room. After Kaela moved in, Mel magically moved her bus into the backyard so she could have her own space. After beginning their work to empower the magical community, Kaela set up her studio in the garden.

The garden was also where Joséfina Reyes first discovered her power of Chlorokinesis and where Parker Caine revealed his demonic form to the Vera-Vaughn Charmed Ones.


  • CharmedmanorandWitchesofEastEndmanor

    The Halliwell Manor from Charmed is pictured on the left and the Beauchamp house from "Witches of East End" is on the right

    The manor in the reboot is the same house that was shot for Witches of East End.
  • Much like the original series, the interior of Vera Manor is not the actual interior of the real house. Instead, for the pilot episode, a different house was used to film the interior shots of the manor, and a recreation was made with sets for the following episodes.

